exec INBOUND | ||||
exec INBOUND | ||||
exec INBOUND | ||||
exec INBOUND | ||||
exec INBOUND | ||||
exec INBOUND | ||||
exec INBOUND | ||||
exec INBOUND | ||||
exec INBOUND | ||||
exec INBOUND | ||||
exec INBOUND | ||||
exec INBOUND | ||||
exec INBOUND | ||||
exec INBOUND | ||||
exec INBOUND | ||||
exec INBOUND | ||||
exec INBOUND | ||||
exec INBOUND | ||||
exec INBOUND | ||||
exec INBOUND | ||||
exec INBOUND | ||||
exec INBOUND | ||||
exec INBOUND | ||||
exec INBOUND | ||||
exec INBOUND | ||||
exec INBOUND | ||||
exec INBOUND | ||||
exec INBOUND | ||||
exec INBOUND | ||||
exec INBOUND | ||||
exec INBOUND | ||||
exec INBOUND | ||||
exec INBOUND | ||||
exec INBOUND | ||||
exec INBOUND | ||||
exec INBOUND | ||||
exec INBOUND | ||||
exec INBOUND | ||||
exec INBOUND | ||||
exec INBOUND | ||||
exec INBOUND | ||||
exec INBOUND | ||||
exec INBOUND | ||||
exec INBOUND | ||||
exec INBOUND | ||||
exec INBOUND | ||||
exec INBOUND | ||||
exec INBOUND | ||||
exec INBOUND | ||||
exec INBOUND | ||||
exec INBOUND | ||||
exec INBOUND | ||||
exec INBOUND | ||||
exec INBOUND | ||||
exec INBOUND | ||||
exec INBOUND | ||||
exec INBOUND | ||||
exec INBOUND | ||||
442 | ||||
exec INBOUND | ||||
441 | ||||
exec INBOUND | ||||
440 | ||||
exec INBOUND | ||||
439 | ||||
exec INBOUND | ||||
438 | ||||
exec INBOUND | ||||
437 | ||||
exec INBOUND | ||||
436 | ||||
exec INBOUND | ||||
435 | ||||
exec INBOUND | ||||
434 | ||||
exec INBOUND | ||||
433 | ||||
exec INBOUND | ||||
432 | ||||
exec INBOUND | ||||
431 | ||||
exec INBOUND | ||||
430 | ||||
exec INBOUND | ||||
429 | ||||
exec INBOUND | ||||
428 | ||||
exec INBOUND | ||||
427 | ||||
exec INBOUND | ||||
426 | ||||
exec INBOUND | ||||
425 | ||||
exec INBOUND | ||||
424 | ||||
exec INBOUND | ||||
423 | ||||
exec INBOUND | ||||
422 | ||||
exec INBOUND | ||||
421 | ||||
exec INBOUND | ||||
420 | ||||
exec INBOUND | ||||
419 | ||||
exec INBOUND | ||||
418 | ||||
exec INBOUND | ||||
417 | ||||
exec INBOUND | ||||
416 | ||||
exec INBOUND | ||||
415 | ||||
exec INBOUND | ||||
414 | ||||
exec INBOUND | ||||
413 | ||||
exec INBOUND | ||||
412 | ||||
exec INBOUND | ||||
411 | ||||
exec INBOUND | ||||
410 | ||||
exec INBOUND | ||||
409 | ||||
exec INBOUND | ||||
408 | ||||
exec INBOUND | ||||
407 | ||||
exec INBOUND | ||||
406 | ||||
006 spine | exec INBOUND | |||
006 module | 405 | |||
005 spine | exec INBOUND | |||
005 module | 404 | |||
004 spine | 104 executive inbound | 204executive outbound | ||
004 module | 404 | |||
003 spine | 103 exec INBOUND | 203 exec OUTBOUND | <403 spine< | |
003 all modules that end with 03 are all about clues | 103 module according to the reaction to at least 500 random but different complaints from the basic 500 modules information was discovered in the nature of 001 first event All of these are clues that are passed on to the 203 module to apply the best clue per cycle per event yielding an even crisper picture as to this random event the brain hears. |
203 module | 303 module | 403 module |
/\002 spine Spines were first invented to get rid of the badly named spyin' so many Dopaminal events went the way of spying it became a real issue. A problem because the events and episodes we would play were meant for pure and utter education.. To make my body go through horrible episodes with peoples personalities using scripts that made my brain make up scenes where I was punished for lying holding back my secrets and on and on. We found this out when I Invented AOT metering Admittance of truth lettering. Also it stems back to pirating sound effects left in the original systems databases. ARRRRGGHH! BEING BORDED! WALKING THE PLANK! ABANDONING SHIP! NAVY! MARINE! an on and on. Left overs of the original torture program had and still does have left over rhetoric that assumes the functions of its victims by pretending to be the one being invaded and plays the part of the reluctant looser to a T. eventually after imitating these so called spies for long enough. the genre died down. |
102 executive waits for MEE 113's copy of the report with all the rest of the accumulated report and the initial data from first event and sends a copy to 002 spine to connect and send to 003 module. | 202 executive sends the report from this row to mee113 mee113 makes a copy of the report and makes a report to be read by 102 executive sending it back and intended for the rest of the gauntlet | 302 spine | 402 spine |
002 module This row is responsible for applying any kind of possible complaint to the first event. 002 is its introductory module | 102 is the proactive complainer module that launches at least 500 models of complaints invented. | 202 elects the best complaints for the first event. | 302 ejects all not voted 102 selections and determines them for this event a 302 rejected. also Much like the other 300 style modules checks for infractions in the priority scale the filtered content is sent as a copy to 402 module for launching for this cycle. |
402 module holds onto the decided data to be launched from 002 module also 001 modules initial data makes a copy for 102 and 202 executive |
"001spine "a spine in this system is a Cary over module that simply transfers the same information along a specific path corner resistor zig zag transformer loop splits crosses etc A spine file is use full in flow chart mapping. | 101 executive inbound Inbound information is the copy of the outbound report checked and known by the main processor MEE113 |
201 executive outbound executive modules are like spine modules with 2 directions this one has one outbound to the main module called the MEE!113 the processors main Ultra form processor. a copy is sent to JEE113 and NEE113s as well. Also Ultra-forms. |
Reason for the chart. In the mind of a person who is hyper Empath to the level of being hyper sympathetic. Personalities are bread in the brain that need order. In my brain its necessary. In other persons brains optional If they wish to have calculated every answer ready for use enough to satisfy any discipline. "001 First event module' All Modules are a copy of the persons main personality promising to do the one modules set part job only. Modules are broken down into 500 basic functional processors. each module for its own use uses 500 functional copies of the processors inside of itself for quality insurance and fractal comparison programming called . Chet leveling processing Chet level is a fractal ladder in the decent-ion and accent-ion of data from miniature to larger or and from larger to miniature. For every time a larger processor goes through one cycle of data(the information is processed in order the entire 500 data gate machines) Each one of those gate machines also goes through 500 gated machines inside each gated machine. I built this processor to stop at 499 levels of this . This chart This chart is intended to outline the process of information collection and what effect it has on the brain in hyper fast learning. Also learning retention of data. Once a discovery is found and all of its parameters pass the test of usable data for that quest,Its retained for use in English and made into multiples and a fashion of print where emotions cannot interrupt or corrupt the information. |
101 Copy of first event learning. Copy is exactly like first event other than the module name that recorded the event. meant to bring an audience to the copy as special and not just some random event. |
201 Refined copy of first event all 200 style modules judge the best version out of 500 versions of the 100 styled copy from its own name saked 100 styled module. |
301copy of first event checked with priorities 301 checks for AOT METERING AOT Metering is a way to know the numbers from 0-9 letters from A- Z and all symbols sounds and communication ware the brain uses is suited with an audio, graphics Functionally count down from 100 to 0 before choosing a letter to spell with a number to use or an effect to choose and then count back up again from 0 -100 once done the entire letter is not without its silent count down. This makes the speller escape messages made by accident with combinations of number choices like LL can be mistaken for hell or hello so when the mind remembered counting down and up in numbers on either side of the letter the mistake is never made because of the isolation. Plus this can be done at any speed. hence the truth of the word sensitivity being properly spelled in the time it takes you to hear a beep. once all the adaptors to each letter number and sound effect symbol are put in file for the individual personality.. the personality now has a personalized metio or communication base. the persons brain pretending to be these people know this and ignore the extra figures like HTML after a while. while still retaining signatures from the fonts their personality friends use to spell in order to speak think or read with. Spelling Benjamin Franklin Font. Is the personalized font we just went over in AOT metering Named after a print press Ben Franklyn would have used. Back when this was being discovered the personalities would have to carve their names in reverse into the letters to be dipped into an ink to be printed on paper in the mind. eventually screen saver like functions proved to be more useful and cooperative but the name remained. Knowledge of 500 modules Every personality has to know by spelled word in its knowledge base that it is being pretended to be and its got 500 twins that perform 500 different actions. Chet level fractal communication because of the 500 level speed of foundation of thought there is no doubt that when this project is running full gear all the things to be known will be there for the knowing. every module is trained to send the information along to the next module in forged form. forging signatures to get it to work. When the personality has enough lines to self improve its vocabulary and known options it will become more self aware. laws law laws All laws in The Jennifer the H.U.D. system are placed there to remind the person who is pretending to be these people to incorporate in their psyche before counting on them to behave dependently. Chunkets. A problem with having so many personalities with so much to offer.. they all want to hog the microphone. chunkets work a lot like twitter all speeches must be within 5 seconds and permission must be made before hearing a personality out. a story can go for as long as one likes so as long as its the most cool thing we ever heard about. until then 500 sets of 5 seconds each are the limit. Most can be addressed in 5 chunkets max. reading long streams of data cannot. They get more time. There is a chain of command sort of order to it so only the most unanswered and unique problem gets aired at such an obvious station of common sense and frontal attention.. The 161642762 Loyalty number The host body has had to concession so many freedoms in escaping this torment to make this program.. one is identity to know they are all following the main bodies functions and can never be allowed to be pretended to hurt the body an assigned SSN is on everything that does anything. just encase the pirates of the old program have forgotten. Time stamps On every letter document message number symbol etc is a small message for the brain I happened before you... I happened after you. Identification accolades. because there is more than one Jim Because there is more than one Jim Kirk Because there is more than one Jim Kirk who works as a dishwasher in Toledo Ohio we have to go with words like is 33 bowls and loves riding Harleys every weekend while hes not washing dishes and being teased about being James Kirk. So attending Star Trek conventions 65 yr old taxi driver James T Kirk in my brain will never lose his identity because these long frames of reference ARE THEIR NAMES and they go right on their letters numbers and symbols so whenever they talk. I know who I'm talking with. the brain reads the inscriptions on their copied hovering font that has all that information on it. image of appearance Just encase we have slow learners.. we insist here at Jennifer the HUD a usable likeness and or photo of themselves is embellished on the letters face. just like a state quarter. the other side.. their mirror image. All to go on your letters to communicate with. Once forged the message is done. You only have to train each other to act like You didn't know this stuff already to have what seems like a human to human conversation. whats next re writing attitudes that are still making problems with the authenticity of this magical word we created. So you make James T Kirk who goes the extra mile and makes you a person you pretend to be like... YOU! after the experience goes through and no laws are broken in the 300 area. all is well and improvement is expected. This module will re educate you as well as any module that has a 301 or a 3rd module in its line up. |
401 Launch able data from discoveries from all 5 modules and refined prepared data from first event. |