What is Afterburner?

The afterburner project will be fun.. as it will be .. lucrative.. One of our first sells will be a balloon that goes higher than a weather balloon enough to have all these would be astronomers and hobbyists coming to us for the best balloons the secret is getting a marketing test going to let them do the research and report their findings and we get the feedback and improve the balloon until its space worthy.. the baloon craft will be at the heart of what makes Afterburner so light made from light weight fiberglass resin shelling and with a helium core It should be light enough to be able to be called light as air...
The vessel that traverses the ionosphere.. so light.. and easily assendable to the upper stratosphere via jet engine assist to where medium sized rockets take it the rest of the journey to the Karmen sphere.. where weightlessness begins. The balloon should be resilient enough to survive the trip up till then.. and slowly be burped for extra velocity control.. attitude control and power components aboard the craft.. eventually marketing this model to other competitors and forming a massive racing association. Thousands of people will want to compete in a world wide orbital race or race around the moon.
With sponsors on our side finding these craft.. we cant loose!