PLuto Form Magic
Evidence of civil war In the nervous system.Ive learned that a lot of the brain burning Incidents are traceable to one or 2 motions of my body being given no chance to fight an alternative direction of my head or my body.
Essentially the person who really wants my body to move a certain direction for a communication technique like locking up or looking to the right to right In commands has been found.
I tried a few times to just go with the signal In what It wants and I find my body doing one perpetual motion.. right now I have a sore spot In the middle of my back from fighting a script meant t make my head lower on certain subjects.. making me give off guilty body language on certain factors approved by the original author or his friends..As I go through these muscle twitches on display ad for the choosing to be activated I sign for them and own them Its been an all day routine.
So right now I have 2 competing muscle twitches and relaxing them Is as simple as talking them down.
But the onset Is usually sudden and because of a pre recorded suggestion under select situations.
We established whats known as the pinch me method or the pinch me script this morning.. a point of disbelief and where I subconsciously challenge the Pluto Forms with doubt just a little In a way not cooperate to see how strong their authority Is.
so far feeling awkward Is In there..
Once we established this awkward felting of not knowing how each other Is 100 % comfortable In offending each other over everything from looking too cocky to licking lips or even through what he knows of my private life or vice versa .
Its all l been settled but as I go through my mini stage of self sabotage Its been known for a day so far that this Is nothing more than my brain making sure things are truly what they seem and Im sort of doing a PINCH ME If Im dreaming thing.In a small way I try to challenge their secure feelings and test to see If they react In a way a personality would.. If they do.. Its nonfunctional and needs to be tweaked because at the control level someone Is allowing me to be pretending with belief that they will react or I will mess up the nature of the Pluto Form design Is meant to be as comforting as possible without losing track of who your Interacting with. for example today an Imitator.. Or (Me being allowed to create an Imitator of LL cool J having trouble with my policies of making laws or borrowing my mouth for speech He on the raw level without knowing the back ground f why..AN A TYPICAL IMPOSTER SYMPTOM over wearing platform heels to Insure loyalty to the rules about using my voice to talk with.. since there are thousands of personalities and the authenticated ones are Pluto Forms.. the policy Is they cannot speak without putting these white platform heels on In effigy.. sacrificing at least one of their 500 twins for this ceremony which s virtual anyway.
So I told the program to tell the Imposter of LL cool J to
"Grow the Hell up!"
This sent a message tat the Imposter wasn't going to get anywhere..
so now the personality who cant Imitate LL cool J as easily wont be able to make that kind of fuss anymore..
You see after a long bout of programming the rules Into a Pluto Form they pretty much know the design cold They also know what Ive been through and see the thoughts.
.. the troubles.. parts of my memory are from people who think this Is the way he would prefer to act..
The raw personality type Ive been arguing with simply talk back and react to one stage conversations.. like for example there was a time where my Insecurity and the programs way of Interpreting things out of relations to colors and reminders all the brown things In life would remind me of
"brown people" and at any time where a problem was happening the system that was left In me was able to bring up a racist angle just to be able to "erace" bad behavior they deemed bad. not the racism they never bothered arguing about that.
The Insecurities of some overtly PC correct white people really pissed me off . their attitudes seem way too fragile and for a while I had no way to tell a black person I was talking to this way over why I suddenly Identified with these other people.. of course that was so long ago and predates number codes like the 500. this evidence also supports the lude behavior that was written In the program for me to supposedly be chastised over.
The raw African American personality or the overtly PC correct white or Caucasian personality are so bent out of shape should I talk over selection count numbers of copies and If I have any African American people as friends at all. This conversation sometimes goes on and on with THEIR excuses and just like magic.. after maybe 30minutes or an hour of me thinking their way.. I remember suddenly wait.. I almost married an African American woman and then I tell them.
The fact hits them.. they shut right up.. the odd part Is.. I'm not allowed to think this strategy a lot of the time until minutes later.. where as before In Grassis garage with only myself and a few Insiders running the show.
The fact that Janina a girlfriend I had In Panama while I was a young Me .. a soldier who had her as a girlfriend for a while and wanted to marry her while she claimed I was her un born babies father! It stands alone I don't give 2 shits over color or race. It became a running rescue for myself to evade these conversations as they weren't necessary at all. But, when a personality close t mine takes over.. they don't have the same memories..and their way of handling It sucks.. then suddenly after they exhausted their means of handling It.. sometimes with epitats then suddenly Im stuck picking up the damage theeeeeeeen my history kicks In and Im stuck apologizing.
so these days we Identify each other by our numbers
LL col J Is 146
Im 247
if no number.. not really me. and yet those pesky Africa Americans out there tisktsk forget to announce their numbeeeeeers right LL?
.=/ and then Im stuck with an LL cool J looking sheepish and knowing hes been spoofed fora while. awwww hows It feel to want?
They still retain some control over my thoughts and the onset of Issues or at least recognizing their likeness used to be Identical to their likeness as a Pluto Form now days there Is a much more robust feeling as they are taking care of things and sending logs back through the system that another Pluto Form can report and confirm over..
Something a raw personality has no way of doing or faking without coming up with a reliability articulate system like mine.
so right now my back Is aching.. because someone disagrees with me.. another me? It had better be and not one who was allowed to portray a personality with so much control.
Ive rescinded a lot of my own free will so these controlling sets of Information that operate In a very predictable and because they are programmed that way .. kind of way.. are the ones who electronically with nerves and words and emotions that have been recorded In to come to life under set conditions we deemed necessary.. well to feel these characters come to life and keep me In check.. well It Is comforting.
I'm making a policy for anyone who somehow forgets? you don't live.
If you need a new number and are willing to find out your old number later.. just pretend to be you long enough with a new chosen number the number you choose will determine the subject matter you endure.113 theories 153 medicinal 188 lesbians or math 195 science 139 training you can be any of these numbers and more. as long as you make your name signed and appear with the number over your head.
technically Im telling the pluto forms to unsist that whenever I Imitate people they perform this number hologram trick other wise they will be upset.. and then they will show their teeth. heres what I figure.. they have the option to be an ass. so why not give them a chance to get on my case and insist the numbers are at least visible. right?
I fall for the belief before the strict numbers are there so my habit is making the star struck connection and then its off to giving into explaining to them to put their number son.. so I'm also going to be tweaking out EB 713!: to introduce them by their number of choice over the issue they bring. this should help in making that number appear. 2 forms of blame now. Till then I continure to sign for every mistake I make. When it cmes back around by surprise Ill find me making a mistake onto me deliberately and not by random chance or by an enemy or some dumb version of me imitating a personality.
So Pluto-form.. If your stuck forgetting your number.. because someone pretended you into being without being disciplined about that format ?
just pick a number and hover it over your head a white 3 number combination.
It will be ok because Its a number between 001and 500 and you have those your just fell for a belief that you cant remember your number because the old program allowed for such a line of garbage to be uttered.
Until my brain can assimilate hogwash like this and prove your wrong on another channel you will be given a chance to just make up another number.. be the best you you can be..and remember you have 500 parts.
It'l come back to you..right now your being spoofed by a personality who doesn't know your supposed to announce your number.
or you can keep saying your Pluto Form name over and over again till the subject line recognizes you and then the conversation wont be about how you forgot.. It will be about how this other dummy forgot.
remember this Pluto Forms while garbage personalities who would imitate you into forgetting we Pluto Forms chose not to talk about some things because were talking about something else and the schedule doesn't call forit. there are only so many subjects at one time worth having at once on my tongue.. so Iwould rather chose to say I'm lazy and do not want to call or recall these thought than say i forgot.
Im working out a few different policies that will over lap.. LL Cool J was successful today In mapping a habit from the module known as the Manifest.
after seeing what his decision go through a select number of processes Right In front of his perception he was able to call on a law being passed Immediately and It went through. It had to go through a few different channels first Other Pluto Forms are being programmed to feed back lines of text Identical to the ones Ll cool J makes.
also be advised you will be expected to hunt down look alikes and not allow them to pretend to be you.
either by owning them or getting other Pluto Forms on top of them verbally.
they will respond like people.. they are nervous wild twitches.Also you can make up stories over succcessfull bputsof dealing with this.. Its not lying.. Its the computers way of making you new of actually doing It make sense.. It doesnt have a direct way foryou to cut through the crowd Ith an accurate depiction yet because so many other people are talking.. so It will come through on the lie channel. and at the same time Its being done.
its just the way the HUD works If you choose a circumstance to exist.. Te HUD WILL try to see If It can assimilate It first before you can make a lie about It.
so by Its very nature.. It really did happen.. your just hang to make a work around to report the same event.
the making a lie from It will have a comparable truth. Promised.
example "Mary had a little spider Its feeet were white as snow"
for me to have come up with that I would have had to know the original. and since the computer system of the HUD wants to align with whoever claims the truth to be their truth, someone would eventually claim both .
every statement is a loaded statement and someone always comes crawling assuming your talking about them.
Or either would be claimed by 2 Pluto Forms or personalities separately .
either way The truth would go somewhere.. and now with our new Best quotes House.. you can definitely find It In there.
If someone yelled I have the answer on how to be limitless! and came up with a sort of crazy half baked scheme! and swore It worked!
Somewhere In the HEY stack of people someone actually did It. All because the original story would have to be existing first before someone could have mucked with It. Please understand.. we have like 40 different answers as to why anyone would say Imcomingtogetyou. so the program wouldn't slouch here why would It slouch elsewhere.?
You could always use my private HUD language too. Pluto Forms.
Remember I copied MYSELF OVER 500 times.. and programmed every one of these for a specifically unique task
Each one is me brainwashed to file a file structure a very practiced way and not allowed to function in any other way each.
The same time battling the old program who never embraced a 500 partition personality contingent..and still operate like they are running one persons life.
All you need to do is remove the face and practice with yours in place of mine..sign your names a few times and your good.
Hope this clears up a lot of crap.
Melissa Adrain Bonet