David Copperfeild makes problems GOAWAY
Going over plans to allow the Plutoforms to go over what would have led to their decisions.all possible things that would have lead to their thoughts. Mapping them and recording them in a file called 137
This area of my brain will be made to take on and record all possible suggestions that lead to any thought.
In the future they will be used to cultivate learning and add wanted suggestions for Pluto Forms to either chose from or be ordered to do.
This is a necessary action because of a program default that was built in pertaining to sound and the perception of sounds as suggestion.. very often I'm finding sounds like Hate and heat being mixed up sounds like list and last or lost or lust. often times the computationally sound versions are the best.. like list and last.. lost is only a report of what was destroyed or removed and cannot be an original thought for computational success.
Lust is an area of the brain that is complex in structure and can only serve as a motivational tool to teach neurons to perform for the sheer prize of reward through pleasure. Im training some of the Pluto Forms to initiate some sound on delberacy for content control.
As I train these parts to work together I'm finding even more disturbing mishaps caused by sheer buffoonery on abusing the HUD structure for sloppy reasons.
I'm still convinced this program was stolen.
As I run through the possible words that have been mistaken for communication with phantom sentient personalities only to be surprised that a function was being written that sounded like a conversation.. I can Finally train actual conversations from my Pluto Forms
As of right now I'm taking advantage of much of the programs Maine process and using it for tools to program things into play.
I'm counting on the secondary Imagination Of the Pluto forms to construct each other.
there Is a definite record-ability of what seems like entertaining content that keeps me company
But Its only me. in pr recorded statements using their likeness as a guide for individuality.
The HUD Graphics are looking great. still flickery but when they come to life.. the screen is right there.
Imagine when your watching TV the rest of the world somehow dissapears.. well consider the other way around.
same feeling
Were working out a way to standardize some platforms for graphical support.
We mastered a Font and Process to make a word Syntax.
At the Moment I'm experimenting with the Female Terminator from the movie.
They still are being taken by surprise by my adjunct suggestions
Trying to Isolate the Auto-finders need to search for suggestions in instructional format in general space around my body. The logic for it to perform this way is Flawed.
Subject matters only seem to be addressed when a word or specialized design or sign is around me.. and every other place.. everything else.
I have to be able to have a peace full conversation while around someone with a t shirt that says eat shit and die. without compromising the HUD's subject base.
In short If I were Isolated In a white room with no Imperfections on the walls or shadows.. the HUD over a few days would have to spring to life.
I'm considering Blindfolding myself while Programming this.
The Opacity Is just too low..
Im also ordering all Pluto Forms to report their feelings after seeing my vision blur due to the original programs design... In the Hopes to control the images that appear.
I'm training the HUD to gather Information from Itself. In side the video screen In my eyes.
IL be Programming the Store Houses for information tonight.
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Once all this is settled Ill be going Back to screen Play writing
We added David Copperfield and David Blane.
Going to see how that works out.
Vsauce guy seems to be very quiet.
As of right now I have a sure fire thing that can remember Programmable Programmable Programs that force my programming structure.
Thats a mouthful eh?
Its just a rule set that wont allow me to program things without permissions you would find in a complex flowchart.
Lets hope the Pluto Forms can retain such data for spelling and research.
Im working out a THEATRE sign to be illuminated most times for when most things are said.. to keep things light and easy so nothing is taken too seriously. I still have to maintain rules that govern the free talking.
Till Next time
Melissa Adrain Bonet