Custom Art by Melissa Bonet

BeetleJuice Vs the Joker Keith Ledger Is Back

5555555555tttttttttttt6666666tttttttoday we fixed my t key
it was stuck on crooked for a while.
Made some adjustments with the HUD and allowed for luck

We Made Neil Armstrong the  Administrator of  Platforms.. then we changed the name of Platforms to Plootforms

Reason?  the major problems I have with the HUD are half of its Enhabitants follow this stupid conditioning that associates bad thoughts with poop so when I try to talk  with them or get them to stop burning my brain.. they crap out.. even at the mention of crap.

so were making ourself immuned to the  programs original deterants.

SOOOO heres the Angle.. Make a pile of names that mean crap.. I remember a lot of times having Privacy talking with William Shatner In my Bathroom because these people  thought It was something to avoid.  also names that Pull are making me forget their names because the whole system is based on things that are supposed to pull cut destroy and hit bad habits  this is great if the habits are truely bad.

You  already know what habits these people didnt want burned away.

So what do I do?

I start a whole shittin  knifin  pulling revolution.. I make the names of celebrities so they automatically get ahead a ittle because of thier names. I get so much privacy with  self made Personalities when I call Bull shit mode.
Its like the other personalities are trained to avoid bad smells.

It just seems to work out that way.

So what do I say.. My worldly problems can be solved with Captain Kirks LOG?

Is CUDDY so silent because she  just cant talk? cutty?

The  original Authors Liked to use NICKY Denaples to invoke a cutting function.. am I just doing the same thing they did with Cuddy?

with William Shatner? the close the names are to the programs functions the  easier the mistaken trigger.

Mathew MacConaughey can talk beause his name makes hey out of situation and his function is a lumber or limp function.




Worked on Keith ledger.. were making progress In allowing for Micheal Keaton (MAY  CULL  KIT  ON)
He has experience In cloning his self In one movie so.

I'm going to be referring to  him for understanding on Issues like this one even thought It was just a part he played.
Were learning that the words are bunched together and small on the menu.
Because of the truth detector from early years In my ordeal burning away competitive brain cells  the Ideas are tight and compact In my brain and aren't so wide spread as they used to be.. I Actually have to MAKE extensions to them Neurotically.

You could say I have super accurate memory Its just It takes a while to find them unless I register the memory.
Asked Mathew MacConauhey and Robert Downey Jr and Neil Armstrong to form a chain of attention between them by having their names excite each others . This will help them stay In the loop.
earlier today I susccessfully made a script that said I feel like a princess looping It by breaking It down Into parts (IFEELLIKE )  KICK START (A) KICK START  (PRINCESS) KICK START (IFEELIKE.)
I did one with luck as well
Defined luck
and have a loop  saying (I am Lucky)
again and again
Insuring the topics that pop up would pertain to those topics kept In the  line so no matter what I think like Its like a subliminal track dominating the back ground of any conversation.
Added Diana Troy from Star Trek to the mix keeping John Edward and Dion Warwick company at 414
adding a death clause to all people who appose my good nature.

There Is a cult In this area who are working with a sort of conditioning on my brain.. they come up to me and ask weird  questions and my brain gets another bit of conditioning on some sort of pre arranged signal So I'm making a plan to allow no protection on people who seek to harm me.

 If they do they will find themselves gravitating towards the other choices than me protecting them In my brain.. I'm enlisting parts of my brain to follow them and monitor their health and welfare and make arrangements with my activities to scan for their benefit on every action. If the butterfly effect saves their life from an accident that leads to death or Injury, My team will rescind protection. I'm gearing It so I don't have to know what happens .

Its part of my prayer To GOD against the people who would seek to hurt me In the face of such a  large foe as Is the people who I'm proving what and how they did what they did to me. If the people wanted to be friends they would just be friends. I'm trying to have a life and these people are doing no more than showing off  pre arranged triggers and props to which at best I can use to gage their likeness.
Helping me find them even easier. They may be getting a laugh out of me for now but eventually I will become able to find their personal Information. I'm offering  for a chance to be  nice to me and friend to me. My brain has been geared by them  to not to want them hurt but I have to show teeth here so I'm doing this In the effort to show my true power. I'm going to be choosing certain people In my future to carry out orders to make for the future of my company. I Owe It to them to be able to make It.

My future selves are telling my  brain what to do to arrive at this place In the future.
I started to make progress on fast thought hyper  blurs of Information that kind of resemble blipverts.

Micheal Keaton Is at 386 Fielding Murphys
 Mini Mouse
Steven Carrell Uma Therman.

I Have Chuck from the TV show Chuck
Keeping Emma peel from the original Avengers Tv show  keeping watch at 189

I Have a mission
Its Called a MISS - ION
20 steps called letters
every 20 steps Is a MISS -ION
a deliberate trap to allow peoples personalities to fall for  so that they fail when they hear MISS

Any plan contains 20 separate parts at least. point A to point B
divide the plan Into 5 parts each one with 4 steps left right left right.

The whole point Is to allow for accurate customized spacial recognition In any event.
so you set up little goals along the way to your destination and log them.. the Computer In the brain Is logging everything. all the Interruptions psychological readings and reasoning are accompanying the steps and the letters are actual documents your brain makes for the record.
 I got this Idea when I was counting of numbers to follow and as I would could every left foot plant as 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 the 6 portion I would experience an over whelming fear of the number 666 and then when 777s were added the problem abetted and then I would start again after 10 and the 5555 would calm It down and the 6666 would be a little less anxious an the reasonings would change and the Interruptions would Eb and I would be starting to get messages of math and logging In the 7 and 8 sections Its like every problem I would ever experience was being washed away with these numbers letting me know what kind of Issues I would be feeling psychically when I would walk through a neighborhood.

This Inspired me to do more.. the MISS -IONS would allow  for logging f these Interruptions and  allow for memory to be placed Into a text form  mentally that can be pulled up for reading.

The Miss IONS were Born when I realized something was making me walk to areas  blindly then choosing another action.. as If a program was  jerking me around and not telling me what to expect. after so many times being walked Into the path of some kid  and many times very particular kids. with  very Unfriendly parents I decided I would break up their little game with Miss Ions. after mastering this  even a little I found relief In the form of a confusion that  couldn't readily order me to walk to where they wanted.

the 10 step shelf  method was born when I realized habits they wanted me to do were only happening just before I would be walking up stairs. making me anxious as to what habit they would make happen making me pump them Into action number one.. but you would hear the  message step up on that one.. at times more than I want to LIKE the actions or  suggested  desired habits by these people were ones I Hated and would have to do almost a  CHA CHA just to counter act them.. some times I would come up  with an Idea that would be good  for me but displease these particular people  and they would wait till I said this stuff then I would suddenly have to walk downhill downgrading the Importance  of whatever rule I was trying to keep In motion. SO  what did I do? I made the steps named  the Idea hit me If I name the steps as versions f what I wanted  they would have to really break dance to get me to agree or disagreeing to the degree they  would be asking.. leaving the legs  confused and break up and monitor what was being written to on my brain.

I made any first step on any Ladder or Stair   a part about my body  an Issue happening with my Body
the second was being named for current events  anything currently happening.. sort of like a place to see a little CNN screen for your life.
Third step was all about Logging  anything to do with stories talents songs  and logging. 4th steps was to do with psychology anything about phobias fears  untrue  statements which turned out to  be ways of thinking rather than what was being thought.  the 5  step was all about symbols the 6 step.. gender Issues.  the 7 encyclopedia  the 8 arrhythmic the 9 computation.. the 10 Hud development.
In this fashion every step they would ask me to step up on would be dedicated to all 10 of these things eventually turning the tide around because It would mean more for me.
suppose someone wanted me to step up on an Idea over making more money Instead of them.  these peple would have a personality that would make me start stepping down especially If this person was their friend.. so when they would  have me agree with something they would want.. like  giving Into being male.  Ok Immediatly Im freaking out   right then and there. so here goes.. body  current events logging psychology syblogy  gender Issues.. (tawards female)  encyclopedia arithmetic  programming  HUD development

so heres the break down
1 GUY body? sure I'm going through transition.. jerk... Bite me.
2 Current events  lowering my testosterone and planning to kill these people.
3 logging the whole event for later.
4 Announcing that the threat Is merely psychology.
5 Symbolizing the event with whatever Icons are  necessary.
6 Gearing this Issue towards female.
7 Logging  whatever event In the encyclopedia or library.
8 Doing a math times table just for  fun  (do the math people).
9 Now ya know I'm programming It.
10 Practicing the actual graphics my eyes can detect when watching these stairs or steps
when they go to make me step  up on things these days they have all that to go against.



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