Penny Per Person Plan
Do you remember those record clubs back in the 70s and 80s and maybe the 90s?well this isn't that This doesn't cost you a dime.. as a matter of fact.. it earns you a penny. It shows good faith and a sample for a transaction of an amount hat successfully would up into your hands or account.
It teases you admittedly so.. to allow the idea to settle in on how very real of a job opportunity it could be to land a sponsor for this Homeless Aid endeavor.
the company will be needing an income source to get off the ground.. And this is my plan. To find in any way shape or form to legally raise funds for this project that is destined to hire people who are at risk for homelessness and also those who are already homeless. These people have fallen on hard times in one fashion or another.. and a lot are in the position to have no support structure to find themselves back into a living space of their own.. A stigma is what they battle from everything from fear of funding their drug habit to helping add to the problem by letting them have control over money.
I am neigther a user of drugs or a drinker and yet i see fear in some peoples eyes who are hesitant to offer me anything more than food or shoes.. if i could selll these food items i might be able to afford a place to live again eh? I do understand how it feels and it just took one life changing event.. losing my home. and while going through my gender change transition. Its very humiliating to have to sleep in my van.
I used to sleep on the job once in a while.. it was an endeering trait my clients would love to chuckle about.. would you believe the moment it became fact that i had no home,.. they became very adversarial to me?
If this idea takes off I wont have to worry about being homeless anymore will I? and i wont have to use up all my cell minutes trying to go through the thousands of listing in the phone book for donations and sponsorships will i?
ever call local calls from home? its free with your service.. ever do the same thing with a tracfone?
LOL i can guarantee you will be out of minutes very fast right?
well this is where your services come in handy for me.
YOU are my add agent and you land contracts for "OUR!" Project. You get Paid 20 % of all dollars you earn for the Afterburner Project for the Homeless.
here is the example script I placed all over my website!
I would Love to help out the Homeless by donating to the Afterburner project for the Homeless with a gift of $100.00
Of course this script is mine to use.. you have to sign up for your own to be properly earmarked for your own commision to be awarded.
I would simply make a button for you to ear mark your efforts.
Jane Does Afterburner Project for the Homeless maybe?
jane doe would be our rep and earn 20 percent of all the funds she raises for our cause.
the fine details are still being hammered out.
but you get my drift.
Working on getting a trademark made for the fund. so that only authorized representatives can maintain these accounts with these companies.
Still working out the details on how to avoid the pitfalls of this kind of Fundraiser.
A lot of homeless people Like myself.. are simply working poor.. and have lost our dwellings for one reason or another.. I promise this is completely legal.. I plan to dedicate 20 percent of all funds raised for this project via your good labor.. you simply have to work out a way to smoothly talk a corporation and or business to donate a larger sum to this endeavor.. once one or 2 people donate.. it looks more and more legit.. the fear of being ripped off dissapears.. and eventually it becomes a house hold word. The target employees and or partners i am looking for are people who are naturally driven to find contracts with large companies.. as soon as this account is achieved i have plans to allow this person to be the liaison to this company from that point forward. This person is entitled to 20 percent of whatever funds they can convince this company to donate and or sponsor. sounds pretty legal to me.
and sounds pretty motivating.
This process is not easy I can assure you.. but given cal volume and a winning presentation i can guarantee results eventually.
I used to be a telemarketer.. and even they will tell you to just play the numbers.
Right now my income is derived from painting murals for people. a larger than 20 percent of what i make is going into this project i know that!
I'm a firm believer in paying for quality work. some people in passing have assured me they would spread the word about my painting business and sometimes they did sometimes they didn't.. but all who advertised for a profit from me.. were worth the money and successful ! 100 percent. its just that they lost interest because their circle of friends and or colleagues dried up and eventually they just lost interest in trying.
2 people out of maybe 40+ people actually responded to my offer to pay them for a finders fee sort of arrangement. one landed me a airbrushing gig with a truck mural.. he wasn't too happy with the speed in which i paid him.. this would have been Marcs Tattooing of Scranton Dickson city PA area. the others is a vague memory but i do think i eventually worked out a mural for that person which over shadowed the arrangement with a simple cost difference in the mural.
Accounting is one of the things i have no trouble with with this idea because paypal does the work for me!