Deli Shu and the mastercult of the tongue
The Pluto Forms and I experimented with recognition of each other and their namesallowing for some copy cats to be found out
some local people are being used as look alikes to some of the celebrities and we are working out a way to discern between the authentic ones and the copies.. by listening for micro words in the innuendos in their choices of speech.
we are also experimenting with different style houses to be able to formulate what exactly is being said.
More of the Pluto Forms are claiming responsibility for everything and Its all getting settled out.
Were right now excersizing with a 124 mode.. a separation script that allows for problem behavior to separate until there is a good copy
Worked out a way to do a check on word choice to allow for distinction of meaning to enable to make out a whole story just by saying one word.
Working on my Van today doing some custom work and repairing rusty areas Plan to fashion a rubberized base like that of a RAV 4 and see where that takes me.
The Movie writing is on hold until these guys can get it together and clear my brain up from all the problems first.
Our house mode seems promising.. we have to get more celebs using it.. naturally the people who are in here trying to imitate them dont have the same inteests.. so working out a way for celebs to engulf the personalities of their own
Working with an educationa graphic
calling it Miss Understood and Missunderstood
Its a basic 2 part graphic of a girl who is poised under a car on a lift. this is her as MISS UNDERSTOOD a name.... when she misunderstands the plutoforms are allowed to feel sorry for the girl when she gets shot by a sniper over the hill next to the car lift.
She gets shot and the scene gets framed intoa placard.. a sign is posted in the grass next to her body depicting her error.
the scene where she gets shot used to contain a fresh girl for another try under the car.. This was too confusing and didn't send the direct message like the other one does. this framed picture Is keeps in a special Hall Of records to where people can keep referring to so they don't make the same mistake.. the shock of seeing her shot should therapise them into complying the right way and save me a lot of time training and talking to them
In this fashion every time im made uncomfortable is made into a placard and its shows why.. usually incongruity and confusing are what makes me angry
we isolated 2 small cases of brain burn to the guards in a near by mall all night last night no pain other than mild brain squeezing and until this afternoon in an attempt to remove innuendos depicting OUR PARKING GARAGE being an 8 ft clearance the brain suddenly started to burn
we wanted to remove their desires from my own.. aparently the messages in the brain left over are to lull me to the Mall so that I can be embarrassed again.
WE in the Pluto Form Bunch have been having a lot of fun and the signs are clearly visible that with alternative means to hear messages the competition alone is unmistakable and now.. laughable.
We put together a jail a place where bad things if they GELL with people willing to hurt me they are isolated and keeps in Logging Untill the FBI can properly scan for the evidence.
right now the morons in the club considering murder charges or at least man slaughter are worried that they will be found out.. the process has obviously been played out on other unsuspecting people.. the difference here? I talk to mine.
this establishes a record all its own.. my memory
So as i stable my psychology with a home made conscious based on left over messages on how to operate my genitals on peoples butts Im laughing all the way to the bank when its over.
the only thing that makes me crazy is the way that is left over for me to express myself.
The other night a DUNMORE cops personality made me wish all his friends and family dead. In a wild tirade.
I rescued it as much as possible with my own take on the way I would want him dead but apparently this unknown thing known as a pile of unwanted goo who probably would be frowned on by worms never mind have a badge (If the shoe fits) is the idea I rail against.. considering all Ive been through. the wiser part of me would not feel the need to co convince personalities in my head who already know the story top to bottom. If anything I was simply relieved to be able to yell about my situation again. After all If your thoughts were censored for years.. and suddenly realized over such an issue? what would you say?
I cant say I disagree with how angry I was and how I do want them dead. the method is the same from the very beginning make up a model of you misbehaving while ready made personalities punish you and set you up for a fall. an old word "RELAXIN" was a specialized language used by one abusive cop in Dunmore PA and has me PTSDed not to mention his fellow officers are family members of the people who set this whole thing up in my head to take the fall for some sort of behavior to prove somehow I was out to chase kids for sexual reasons. the writing is all over it and I'm so Happy I have all these Celebrities On my side.
well anyway Our GELL has an entrance way in and a special font for just you.
I established a personality called Cason SETI
the good folks at Dickson city Aren't pleased.
Adding Demi Moore tonight to field off the Dunmore requests.
since we made a specialized Cult called the Deli shu
so that our issues aren't dealt as easily is still remember the night Daniel Amendola trying to associate my brain with holding a tongue while he used his shoes as a prop for induction. At the time I figured it was just a way for him to be funny.. over time I realized I wasn't able to ask these people what they meant by extermination weddings, killing , not living to 80, condensation on the floor of a cooler
pictures of bloody fat , pliers, being made for me to fear insisting on things being considered poison among a plethora of other innuendos meant for me to get the 10 month old message that they were constantly trying to make me fear for my life and succeeding .
Anyway the Placement in my brain is so big for so many comments.. Ill be handing out comments to celebrities to hold onto from now on.
this way they can alert me if someone says something unwanted.
Now that a new Cult Is dealing my issues these guys should be fading away.
but not the way they hope.. Good people Of the world especially Scranton area in PA the fact is I stood up to your silly MOB. PLUS I am winning.. something you were too scared to do.. now the champion they tried to knock over.. to help intimidate you further is still striking them in the heart.
Melissa Adrian Bonet