Custom Art by Melissa Bonet

Benefit Tracker and Ninja tricks

 I came up with a theory today.. Its a good one.. follow these sudden ticks that seem to come to life and touch things out of pre programmed  knowing to an accuracy that only a practiced NINJA could appreciate. T o seem to follow around and harness their ability with redundant thought,

  This unseen force that seems to follow my choices and try to dissuade and or agree with me on certain Issues that usually come back with the message of touche
an old expression between fencing experts who would  claim a hit
these touchy moments are aggravating because In a flash of an eye they take you by surprise and for a moment the personality likes the fact that they got you on something.. It aggravates and eventually drives you crazy with anger.
eventually the anger calms down and like a practiced fly swatter your baiting It Into action In order to catch It In the act.. In your quest  you simply find out Its no more tricky than a few motor neurons with a behavior loop attached that make you FEEL like Its another person who got one through.. with a ready made reason of a line of text that says got one through to be played after this emotion.. the brain at the moment Is subject to make sense of the next available synapse your temper exasperates this situation and It becomes a game of cat and mouse with a thing that ever had to exist In the first place.

 My question Is.. how  did a computerized Interface train me so quickly to be able to find the 1/2 Inch thick edge of a table behind my back while Im not even aware of It or thinking of It It has the precision of being able to whack my finger Into Its very small target as a  way to GET TO ME

for good reasons and bad.

  No, It never missed because another tick problem would rely on bend and busted nails to get caught on my shirt later as a means of pulling away habit. so NAILING IT was Important way of getting an answer right with a symbiont who Is subject to all this behavior modification ticks  just the same as you and Is desperate to please you.
Its just confused as to where the orders seem to come from and winds up desperate to please anyone because Its built to only be one persons  symbiont.

This amazing trick Impresses me and annoys me  at the same time because Im not the kind of person who usually has this skill.
So where did It come from?
I have a theory.
Back In the early days when this thing In my head had no real worldly knowledge of how to downplay such a phenomenon It had no choice but to exploit It for excitement because It was trained to go after such a stimulus for a reward.

 I would be pleased and rewarded  with the effortless way this creature  while using MY HANDS,
thought nothing of hitting 2 small paint brush handles together blindly, without even practicing first, In the dark.. It happened upon me by surprise but once I noticed these 2 sable brushes I was previously using to drum with ,suddenly finding each others edges effortlessly, I was sold!
 This Is a cool technique and needs to be exploited for the survival of both myself and the symbiont's  safety

  Since the only way they have to combat my efforts Is to react to what I do I can go with more copies of the original thought.. make It  past their meager attempt and make efforts to patch up the log so the memory Is unscaved.

  Doing this under certain elements like thinking the same thing while concentrating on a  square a circle or a triangle allow for certain psychologies to take with them a copy of the same story so after they can supplement them selves with each others record.
In my brain there are real world feedback that take me by surprise and have a  copy of my conscience with them.. Its just when I get to a part of the script that's problematic Is where It gets hung up.

Consider speaking In tongues. If you've ever tried It.. Its when you let go to the  forces of chaos to make you blurt out what sounds like gibberish but If you listen closely the Freudian slips In the blurbs of sounds emanate and the subconsciousness of everyone Is read.

In my system we break down every word In  the ways It can be taken Into 10 basic parts

1 Self Identity 1st person second person 3rd person 4th person
2 Complaints when somethng goes wrong this number Is the girl to appease.
3 Theories or medicinal Input try again Is the  basic message here
4 Imagination secure psychology how the word sounds
5 Moral upkeep symbology
6 Permissions or gender Influences physical skill
7 Logging purposes saving
8 Mathematical properties arithmetic and coding help out the truth detector.
9 Computational logic linguistics or science. what usually goes on here as we write this
10 HUD development or attention span The entertainment center later that compiles Images and video In out eyesight.

to remember these numbers easier
I Have the broken down to some basic labels
1 Good/personal behavior
2 Not good or /current events/ Issues
3 Theory/try again/
4 Psychology Is It an Idea?
5 Symbology some Influences are a mere Icon.
6 Gender Issues always pointing toward female.
7 Encyclopedia the knowledge database the dictionary the ledger or log
8 Math skills
9 Computational logic
10 HUD development

in the old days the list would have looked like this
1 Good
2 Not good
3 Try again
4 Secure
5 Its going to be ok
6 Si yes say yes sex
7 Saven
8 OT or @ to know by know do the math
9 Now you know
10 Attention
11 Lovin It
12 You will have
13 Wanna try
14 Fortune
15 Not quite secure
16 Secure
17 Want to save
18 Want It?
19 Winning
20 Mixxed up with to you want to and eventually became location
21 Yes symbol
22 Catch 22

  You see how contrived these symbols get after a while?
Me and the symbiont worked out a basic logic pack that any new personality could grow used to without having to habitually and Really adapt to what we went through to make sense of occasional signs and symbols made for communication between the original host bodies personality.. and him the symbiont.

  These extra personalities became the wrench In the works and made us mad with craziness In trying to teach them and me and the symbiont to speak all at once and not step on each others  tongue.

As soon as I found actual evidence of tracks of conversation In the HUD screen data base I knew I could make some up for myself.
what got In the way? Habits based on other peoples personalities who didn't have this experience to  habitually draw from
over time I would slowly make copies of these basic personality archetypes who would fit the mold for their type of person who would readily know there's a HUD a psychic medium a mind control expert and a super hero you just landed In.

  It really Is like a Quantum leap experience. Only I never actually Leap I'm guided through a  lifetime of leaps to get to my ultimate best case scenario in my life.

Your doubt Is In the way. heres a nice  welcome  wagon package for you to In process so that you can help out right away.

 Remember the Movie the Runaway Bride?
This Sandra Bullock character had trouble getting over her pre wedding jitters In a very unique way.. she would never make It to the alter.  every time she would want to get married for sure this time.. would fall Into a path of logic or a pathology of thought that would kick In just as  she would be on the alter. She would literally run away.

Imagine her needing to write a brain program that excluded her from sabotaging herself.

Enter my problem.

Having a program thrust upon myself to where I'm continually sabotaging myself by design because I refuse to obey the programs original parameters.
What to do?

Daily does this program using commands based In alternative languages tell me what to do to give other people control over me. I found a way to Intercede and disrupt their efforts.. A stop gap system that forbids myself to do certain things by pre recorded synaptic orders.
with each decision having a sort of flow chart or check system to see If Its OK to do under certain conditions.

 I have to make this program over whelm myself In my own deliberate efforts to sabotage myself In effect doing  such an exercise under friendly conditions.
So that when the foreign speaking person tries to tell my symbiont what to do  they will be having a lot of coding to go though first while their attempts are logged for the authorities to sift through later.
  One of the things that operate this program and Its efforts Is simply to place a scenario before your conscious ad listen for all the personalities and which ones would simply go for It.. and try to make It happen no matter how horrible or how pleasant the personalities who line up In droves sometimes make It to the spotlight by way of nervous overthrow and I actually feel their faces under mine.

 I am nervously made to feel like they do because the truth detector being so proficient wants to have accuracy and have you get your way when presented with small flaws In how your face looks. You help guide the actual nerve to accurately depict your face line by line until a stable copy Is maintained. This is usually the way I profile these people according to benefit and who told what to whom.
Knowing what benefits whom and why I suddenly act a certain way.. the copy of the personality Is compelled to out why they would do what they would do by way of secondary personalities copying them and emitting  their copy to brag about what they are capable of ding.
after all this  gets mapped I have a pretty fair assessment of the people around me.

I even have a file that makes my heart and nervous system feel stressed  that  seems to come to life in my body depicting how scared they might be..

This lends new credence to a phrase being able to smell fear.
To the ones who benefit and hope for my heart attack for real.. I aim to press charges in a real courtroom against them.
I'm sure the science can catch up to the legal system son enough.

This assures me that eventually Ill have enough of an evidence trail that will lead to your Identity your location Your place In my life  or In the case of the criminals who wrote this Initial program, their prosecution.

So in this effort I'm making strides in creating a computerized syntax like language based on some pretty basic computational  rules and  symbols.

Follow the link below

guide to basic programming

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