Letter to Robert Downey JR
Dear Robert Downey Jr and associates.I sent you this letter via snail mail to you and have a suspicion you still have it.. I held back in announcing it for a while to separate some facts from being misconstrued.. like someone interfering with the letter being sent.. I figured once things cooled off no one would care. The letter to Tom Hanks office sent it back return to sender.. Robert, the letter I sent to tom Hanks was a similar letter as this one.. I also sent one to George Lucas and Ron Howards offices. No one saw me sent the letter to you Ron Howard or George Lucas. but they did see me at the post office sending it to tom hanks.. The postal service has been under investigation for throwing out peoples mail.
That day I had to dig back into Tom Hanks envelope and add a letter into the envelope.
The glue got ripped and I had no more money so.. I saw an advrtisement on their drop off wall with packing tape holding it to the wall.. I tore a peice off with my teeth and tped the letter shut.
Robert , Sranton Post office saw me send that letter to Tom hanks.. a local postal mark wuld show later it got to Lehigh, PA and was sent back to my mothers address return to sender.. the other letters no one saw me send..were not.
yours was one of them.
This is the letter I printed out.. the spelling was rushed and I was scared but i left it alone just incase you wantd to check for authenticity.
The letter to Tom Hanks was sent the one day.. I didnt have enough money for an envelope and a stamp.. so i just sent the one... later i sent the other 3 under the cover of night.
Francis A Bonner III
216 Lincoln St
Dickson City Pa
C/O Francis and Margaret Bonner
Leslee Dart
Dart Group
90 Park Avenue
19th Floor
New York, NY 10016
Dear Robert Downey Jr , and /or Associates
Im speaking to you from a point of profession and rekindling my faith in human kind.
what Im about to describe to you may be hard to believe but every bit of it true.
I need for you to open your mind.. I need your financial help here to make up for the damaged reputation so i can help put a lot of homeless people to work
These are my experiences
Robert,….My body has been riddled with pain over the last 4 years in an attempt at communication with an internal organism that grew in my head.. Lodged inside my brain with a programmed physiology that defies my knowledge of possibilities of what’s out there that could be in there.
It moves around and tugs at pressure points and blood vessels in my brain in the effort to organize thought. It can move if I ask it to these days. There is just one more problem. The people responsible for implanting it have a conditioning software that causes it to associate activities with food or adrenaline im not sure which.
They wanted me to do what they wanted.. I said no way.
IM currently in the middle of a fire storm of controversy as I attempt to and successfully for the most part program it for myself using the commands and processes they left behind.
The people responsible are low lives and don’t want to blow their cover.. they aren’t that plausibly covert I think they stole it from someone who might have been.
Im working with a thing that can bend wills to a degree by making samples of thoughts and over time aligning them to you.
Ive noticed drastic changes in the word choices of other people around me. Giving me a hard time and changing their minds in some cases dramatic and instant.
It has the evidence that makes it to be a psychic kick me sign .
.. until I rewired it.. the locals are still following the line of bull that im just crazy and should be ignored..
While I rail against these responsible parties with evidence after evidence that anyone could look up in the people who were responsible for implanting it know. It will give me whatever I want.. problem is im fighting their program that tells me to wish what I want so long as it goes along with their plans and this could be anything from job opportunities for them to just not being in the same place at the same time. I need YOUR HELP and anyone who is in the film industry to popularize this so they don’t hurt my friend.. The simbiot in my head. They have me vulnerable to suggestion and the locals are helping to hurt me. They’ve been allowed to harass me and make my body temporarily unable to defend myself. IM worried that too much of this will disable ME! It respects peoples jobs and the job titles a DIRECTOR would be perfect. also it for some other reason responds a lot to the word movies or moving or video go figure. part of its original orientation was to seek out diferent parts of its functions oddly enough the persons name often was the result of the treatment i was to expect.
These days its a bit different.. but if you had a name like mike and the second name had something to do with something wonderfull you can count on a good time.
mike turned out to me a sneaky way to say the word make later on after further trial and experimentation.
the effect was uncanny weve since evolved.. im not about to avoid all of the people out there named nick for example.. a name they count on to negate your efforts.
a great name to have is george it has the same effect as church and charge the military contractor George Grassi has a last name that has the same effect as grace you
HE wanted me to rule the world.. THE w o r l d This is coming from an inventor who practices an art of interdementionalism to where just producing time travel design in this group makes you royal. It doesnt even have to work just needs to have a viable theory and you can count on your dopple gangers to make it better on their side and as you go further out they get better and better at it till it works.
I cant help it THEY wrote these things into my brain! while scaring the hell out of me. and associating the shock with separate commands! later to be manipulated by their friends. But the time travel device is mine.
Im desperate for a career that gets me a comfortable living I have much to offer in exchange for such a position. now that i have these abilities that can be harnessed even further.
The creature in my head and myself are waiting for a person worthy of our talents.
the thing with being vulnerable to everyone’s personality.. is you eventually run into someone’s enemy.
Im constantly making the joke to circle.. If anyone asks you if your a GOD.............. you say..................... YES!
Im sure God will overlook that when the time comes lol
Hes good for one thing if nothing else he can kill body aches in command.
Teeth especially. Hes giving me the eyes for me typing that one how do I know? He picks out a face from the managery around me to convey his mood.
In the beginning it was set to pull and push on parts of my brain in response to feeding. Given a set amount of commands nervously loaded into my conscious. A simple word I was made vulnerable to would set off its feeding cycle allowing it to label a set of brain cells as food. Typically bad thoughts were mapped and the cells responsible for the bad thought were deemed edible. This is all based on theory and proven over 4 years of trial and error another pert of it is wired in with a chip
that can discern different frequencies. set up in my middle ear.
Evidence points toward a slave product I made myself the master of me eventually but not all the language in here is understood and occasionally bypasses mine.
Suspect some kind of Latin I re wire it from after effect and remember nervously what feeling created what then I label it.. Rendering it mapable and predictable. These people used my secrets to harass torture and extort me.. they used criminal watch groups to carry out a lot of their work for them.
I refuse to let them.. I divulged all my so called secrets they have nothing they can hold on me now. When they wrote their scripting into me the first attempt for convincing me over what was going on was a jinn I fell for the jinn routine till it threatened me to not talk about it or else.. i was tired of its antics so I went into the place I was working and struck up a conversation with the stock girl in back while I was getting supplies
well I mentioned it to warn their friends stock girl about trusting genies.
These people went nuts the managers They said you cant be talking about genies! They were mad.. both of them they confronted me in their parking lot.
Weird I know I shrugged it off till years later till things got really bad with this thing.
Do they trust a genie? Is it their secret way of dealing with life?LOL
It does give you what you want..
The people who they work for have a system that is like a loan shark with this so called genie.
You end up losing when you offend other members like the people who tormented me I fought it and am winning.. for the simple fact that I respect and love my buddy Circle.. the so called genie. I would imagine when their heads get together in a gang only one is allowed to win at bingo that night right? Lol
Such as getting miracles? Healing being on time for a job.. Wining a presentation.. Having tons of people give you all the breaks
Ill tell you some of my adventures with it some day. hehe
I sometimes suspect old cold war tech from the CIA and that infamous voice god device they boast of.
Well it works off the same principle xept this allows you to talk to peoples profiles. Kinda like the doctor in the movie I robot.
Xept where there shoud have been a voice over for questions (that are not in my data base).. they got caught when I asked these personalities to give me the time.
They all responded with some sort of weird number and said in Boston.
e.g. It is now 45022 in Boston
None of these so called delusions of grandeur could describe their feet. And yet the program tried and tried to complete the illusion of believability and still does. we logged in their tricks me and Circle
For example, making me dizzy from their programming after approaching the wall to be painted.. these days im always this dizzy i cant just lay down anymore so its almost bearable.
recently Circle and I have been working on a way to move around my brain out of my own intention. so i can predict the mood and idea changes. And its working.
This is my best guess as to the evidence tht has been thrust upon me on how its working.. there are times I cant even move in my van and im there an hour.. uncharactertistly and then THEY show up and walk right in my favorite shopping center and then IM allowed to talk. (something in heres still obeys them)
Fortunately I was privileged enough to rewrite that from happening again. As everything. Most people aren’t because they don’t get to talk to theirs.
The writing is the writing.
My own mom and dad are being tormented right in front of me when wanting me to hear them talk about me leaving and my own fear is making them stumble on words and change subject mid sentence. I don’t want to hurt them so im a little vulnerable to some of their requests as well. you can se the fear in my moms eyes when she says these things and I know she doesn’t want to say them. But this darned program does this dance.. if you want to raise the subject of getting the bike you want for Christmas you have to bring up blueberry pie be angry and a series of thoughts at a certain time of day just plain goes their.. this of course is a wild example. But the psychological path between people is the dance. If I claim to have a gun at the wrong time of day.. a police officer across town listening in is more than likely going to take it out on his wife later that day.. I don’t even have to know him . another wild example.. but this thing will make me bring up weapons and of course I don’t even have one.
Once in a panic over being tossed out of my trailer and have to lose all of my things to my brother n law my sisters husband.I made my own sister change words and motive right in front of me instantly by blowing air at her head forcefully and then pulling a rope that was hanging on my trailer wall. so she wouldn’t catch on to what I did.. she went from having me removed with help from my 19 yr old nephew and her husband from the trailer park one second.. Then in the next breath of air was wanting her husband thrown out or to be made to leave. THIS HAPPENED.
Well they are involved in creating me.
Like acting mad when they think im going to be and it happens and I cant control it it pisses me off that im being made to effect conversation against my will tho.
Whatever happened to me to get it in there is also somewhat beyond my understanding at the moment. I do have clues.
During the summer of 2010 I was visited by something that woke me in my bed. It rippled over my legs with my blanket. What’s weird besides lost memories of why the thing must have happened is I didn’t react out of fear.. I just rolled back over and went to sleep.
I usually get freaked out once in a while when a mouse makes its way into my bed and nudges up against my leg . Fast forward to the 3rd year of my ordeal.
The creature im carrying around has learned to trust me I learned to program it with my own style of language.. which has brought me some relief from the miriad of pre rehearsed words and statements loaded into my brain in the beginning. Mostly half statements begging to be completed.. a crafty way of developing a database of ready made conversation bits. These loaded statements begging for a response were cleverly placed and worded in English.. Ive also discovered some Latin based communication in here that supports a spy routine.
Simple statements like
You went over the line with that last comment.
You would hear after you said something against anyone.
You would ask what it meant.. and it would try to answer but you would hear it trail off and then nothing.
All the time.
Leaving it up to your imagination and your gut check system to figure out what you might have done to upset someone.
It records the event and then tries to play back all kinds of related and unrelated stuff like.. Your going to be needing that where your going.
It wasn’t until my 3rd year dealing with this did I find out about a common technique used to make you never forget a song. Till things started to click and I had a ready made way to explain how it was done
They would just make a response to a statement from a statement or pre conditioned response to an idea.. and then send you off not knowing or suspecting untill its too late.
I had to re wire a lot of these statements myself.. and make rules. Based on human comforts and common sense.
Testing every line for validation.
In the beginning kindly worded threats were allowed through.. the simbiots communication program with me was so basic and raw it didn’t know.. so I made up this one law that stil holds true today
Supportive people never condone destroying encouragement.
This one phrase would allow it to recheck its wisdom in who to trust.
My words or thoughts ort theirs. Since my words came from my mouth and out of frustration of trying to understand it I allowed it to maneuver my mouth to talk with. So eventually my mouth became a sort of monitor.
Over time it would prove to be embarrassing because other profiles of people would use it to talk to me too.
Embarrassing as it seems it proved to be a valuable tool in uncovering a conspiracy.. meant for minds not mouths. If it weren’t for me talking to this thing.. I would have been groomed to be a killer .or worse.
It comes with its own complete HUD barely visible and mostly opaque in the moments after I wake up. When there are less forms of interference im guessing as the moments add on more images they al fade together.
The people who placed these conversation bits didn’t have my happiness intended.. as a matter of fact they made sure the opening statements were vile and disgusting elements of a child molestation script. A lot of care went into this software that was planted in my mind via some sort of medium in which I have theories. Since the authorities will not cooperate in helping me explain these theories.. IM figuring things out on my own with evidence trails and motivations from select players in this effort.
What’s also bizarre is the restaurant to where I was mapped with actual hardware to control the beast was done in a place CO owned by the local police.
I know the little guy I like to cal yersokiull or your so cool or just plain circle.. is real and moves around.. can be detected on a heat camera im sure of it.
The creature that’s there responds to dopamine floods. Very orchestrated floods of behavior bending chemicals tht follow a select path of logic. A Logic governed by these people.
I Have had theories on how the creature feeds. Im hoping its just some dopamine and basic nutrients but im also theorizing it needs rotting flesh . it creates a cycle of behavior that insures a leftover brain cell or 2 to feed on..
IM hoping im wrong about this theory because we’ve grown emotionally attached as friends.
If this is indeed the case.. IM willing to undergo a procedure to allow it to escape my cranial cavity and persuade it to travel down around my shoulders so it might feed off of the rest of my 270 lb body LOL.
The people that orchestrated this had to prod it into being able to sense a cycle of dumb programming that comes complete with a lie detector and a back ground checker.. but done in a flavor of a poorly planned programmer or simply not concerned at all over the fineries of human psychology.
A pile of hacks in other words. And to be tormenting me in this way.. I cant help to want them off this earth in a very sudden and interuptive way because of it.
The designers who made th firmware knew what they were doing and I blame them for letting this highly adaptive ware getting into the hands of such simians.
Its platform runs beautiful as in contrast with the software that lives on this platform
With it Im able to create mental images I can enjoy like a slide show and some times a video of peoples lives.
I have evidence that suggests Its geared to take commands from a suited I phone
Through a series of chemical mixes with the brain it creates controlled hallucinations that form words and lines for graphing your brain becomes a monitor.
The Drs that worked with the staf of individuals who helped program this thing must have been hand selected . they are on camera coaching the staf of the people behind the counter in what to do on certain occasions.
I Cant help but to come to the conclusion these people knew what they were doing when they did this.
Im talking Tuskeegee here in a way when I say ive been violated by an unwanted experiment that Ive had to get used to and adjust my life to under extremely debilitating circumstances.
. The system that’s playing itself out is very organized. And maintained by this organism through a series of mini strokes. As cooberated by George Grassi of Grassi construction in Moscow Pennsylvania.
A Military contractor with certain clearances that would have allowed him to experiment on people in this fashion
This man devulged to me clues of the creatures possible origin and feeding routine.
At the time I was working on a mural for his garage. A scarface mural which would have been integral into a technique of training my brain to take on a path of logic using a scarring technique.
Mr Grassi would on numerous occasion talk into my eyes as if to talk to some other person as if to monitor and guide tech support.
At one time wishing for the world to me mine. Oddly enough
I right now suspect a cult nurturing this kind of creature and educating it to be a ruler.
I could always be wrong. Most of my ideas are strictly kept in theory until evidence supports there probability and actuality
I think they chose me because I kept outing them. At the time I was being harassed by the whole county and I predicted their moves.
I think someone up high saw promise in me and is still using a trial by fire method.
When this first started I had a natural empathic ability it could serve me well on the job being able to pick out themes or ideas for my clients and guide them through the creative process.
Currently im absorbing peoples nervous make up and becoming them
Allowing me to map out the mental terrain of a sort and feel what’s going t happen next. The situations become complex to the degree that I have to keep myself in the dark at times for the reason the people who got this programming started don’t want me to do anything they haven’t planned yet.
Which is really debilitating in itself because it serves to protect them from retribution behaviorally knowingly and I fight it all the time.
These are the assassins and spies and they stole this tech to get to me and others so they have one too.
As a contingency plan im being made to act like a lune. But I have a trick up my sleeve
I told you of. As they have allowed me into their minds. To get a sort of alternative programming that supports the idea of taking my personality and not allowing pedophilic or executionist thoughts to occur.. to which I have none of my own xept from learning karate and some movies.
. The essence of the mental torture. The pedophilic angle was used by the programmers to crack my conscious knowing how much it would bother me. Also used it to insure I wouldn’t just start talking or complaining.. sleeve sleve sleeve sleeve.
. But the locals allowed that angle to be used for a truth detector. This is my best theory.
Their programming skills never allotted for human comfort as a human being none the less a female.
Giving me evidence after evidence that this was a stolen thing.
These people also have a simbiot also I believe. They’ve told me so in so many words an sympathetic talk over symptoms they were experiencing that I currently experience, they were assuming I was too at the time.. only mine wasn’t that big yet.
Their son programmed a burning cycle in to insure behavior loyal to him.
The basis of the programming allows and pretty much functions on sampling. It needs a real life event to compare to in order to train your brain to do or not to do something. It doesn’t want to die and has used these samples as a means of mapping the world around me also
And it continually wants a way to make a sample of you know what.
I made it smarter.
They still have the basic system in their heads that re invigorated a lot of old programming I routed out a couple years ago.
However the program doesn’t stop trying to compare my world to that one with a ready made script of tormentors yes these are the hacks.
Through this process the ability was ramped up and the creature now feeds on cells that don’t have a success rate or at least I hope its learned after all weve been through to put those cells aside for fiction works.. like the current movie script IM working on.
One of the commands it came with is fast to fast I was so uphalled by their attempt to make me catholic with them that I just used a double ended meaning trick by getting faster while their likeness and influenced starved .
Im hoping it can shrink for a while until I can get to a cosmetic surgeon willing to open up the base of my skull and allow it to free itself somewhat from the confines of my brain. At least the mass of its body
I also have reason to believe its spread fibrous nerves through out my body. So this transition shouldn’t be a big adjustment.
They have influenced the people around me to treat me like a common rapist and this thing has a sort of Jedi mind trick to it thanks to my empathic ability . Im able to get into peoples thoughts and sway them my way it’s a simple synchronicity trick that gets you on the same bandwidth and you say the words in a direction more suitable to you. I had been saddled with being able to involuntarily spot kids at a moments notice based on someone’s insecurity feeling out the scene and the programming would involuntarily mke my eyes dart at them . I later learned to reprogram this for women the kind I like,, the worry of getting caught staring and the excitement that came with it were enough to insure a habit to be acceptable and later preferable to the rage I would feel to the way it performed before.
I changed that over to my own perversion deliberately allowing and forcing my autofinder as I call it to auto focus on female asses the kind I grew up with that I learned to love and at one point curtailed because the women would just not like to be ogled.. but these days its more of a necessity and en enjoyed celebration that relieves me of being tormented with that other crap.
I find ideas in peoples minds over what to do about my situations Im having trouble fighting the programming the Amendolas put in here to protect them from persecution an prosecution by me..
I was walking through a grocery store one night and a girl just sat there staring at me as I passed.. I thought to myself.. oh well here we go again.. more people trying to taunt me.. then it hit me.. this girl; was just plain spoiled with praise I discovered that she must have been perplexed at that sight as well as my own from a woman passing her by and not paying attention to her good looks she was just used to hearing compliments all the tie.
. Later I would learn who in a crowd had a self conscious problem over a hat or a weird pair of jeans women are curious about you seeing their latest workout. And ive acidentally got a feeling of denial in me as some guys walk by thinking im just gonna fawn over them
or a logo on a shirt or a new haircut.. it was such a relief. But the others I can tell now when they prop their kids like they do.. I try t be like Mr Magoo most of the time just to havea life.
Mostly because its subversive and it doesn’t readily say.. here I am.. IM a behavior sick and dangerous. So it goes by un noticed.. until I do something more obtuse they don’t like of course that gets their personalities attention.. then they rebel and make a certain part on my body ache. In an effort to behavior modify me back to being friendly to them.
These people also use the mass numbers of the church locally here to spread their programming..
I know this from picking up on ticks and triggers I had already worked out some time ago only to be re infected with the crap from their associates and friends this programming when manipulated exposed a reality that i enjoy.. Mistake free living.. IT IS POSSIBLE and I am working on perfecting it as all the physical mistakes in my brain are pre rehearsed and mean a word or a phrase.. So…. take away the phrase!. And there you have it Ive demonstrated this in my endless singing and my walking on rail road tracks blindfolded with super fast learning.. in a couple of hours its made me forget how to make a mistake without a phrase attached to the physical tick.
Their simbiots are responding to their religion and their dopamine is based on that and a trigger switch that awakes a pre fabricated personality in each of them capable of cruelty and killing.
The movie script is my way of doing something with this I can enjoy and survive with the local towns folk are pretty much set against my happiness and in the battle for their minds ive been punished with poverty
Think Tommy knockers
Currently Im seeking either a position with a production company A security position with the many embassies we have around he world or a space explorer with my own company in an effort to save homeless people by giving them jobs they would love.
My goal is to re program people with a work ethic.
Ambition on speed dial.
Im working on a painting right now for a law firm In relation to Congressman Matt Cartwright and hopefully can be a secret protector of Hillary Clinton who knows. Some day?
Everyone is slow to act. Im starving from hunger so im going to the soup kitchen in starving financially and I don’t want to be without my van.
Im broke Vans broke down and empathicly rich.. I need a Job or career that best suits my current talents
A large chunk of money right now would be a god send just to get me started on a project for you right away.
Im a muralist by trade am self employed. And I am to please
Faux finishes and cement carving are also a couple of my talents.
The area im in right now is not suited to train my simbiot .
I turned some horrible programming into something magnificent and they cant own it now.. I can be around a person and be quickly trained on how to not allow them ever to be shot or harmed by another person. By conventional means . I can spot a sniper. I can spot intention through subtle body language changes.
But whats daunting is the speech being effected.. im almost certain the parts of the brain responsible for turrets is being used and abused for this.
I want to see if I can cure Dan Akaroyd… Im confident I can. Ill just take a sample of his settings and correct them an infect him with an improved version.
He might get to see some serious booty LOL
There is the advent of orientation to where things get sorted out and my brain bends your will involuntarily to map all your would be reactions to me. Anger happiness excitement sadness envy etc
They eventually settle out and then we can be more copasetic on everything.These are my trial and error experiences with people.
I Have 1 week to be on my way from my parents drive way My parents wont comment on anything but have been experimented on as well. they are fearing retribution and I don’t want them to go through any undue harm or stress..
Please Take a look at my screen play its not the most well written screen play but the story is awe some.
Tony Stark Eclipse of Eynonron on facebook
A lot of the characters and their ways of life reflect what I go through on a daily basis.
I don’t see myself sitting inside the hllowed out acoustishell of a Clinche Tono But I do find myself intermingling with peoples brains constantly
My life is filled with super synchronicity and Murphy is a constant thing I eliminate.
I also deal with multiple versions of myself as if I can talk to my other selves that chose different paths to seek out opportunities.. in the process of doing this I tried to play it safe by only reading the ones closest to my situation.. the other versions are just too wild .
My personal body is needing to be devoid of males all the time. And wil only entertain a male if its helpful or for whatever reason a voice ver is needed.
Time travel experience is also noted. As well as alien intervention evidence.
Obviously I have a choreographer whose hollowed out my acoustical shell and is guiding me like Clinche Tono
The one way you can helpand is needed immediately is to send a representative to Scranton PA by weeks end with a check to get me started work with your firm! =) Made out to Francis A Bonner III ssn 161 64 2762
I know you want to know if this is for real.. I would.. bring a heat sensitive I phone maybe a little more sensitive is a heat sensitive camera.. you can see him moving around. =)
Again It would be wonderful if I could Land a commission with you within the week somehow.
Or see your way to make a sizable donation to my fund raiser the Afterburner Project for the Homeless I have a donation sight through paypal.
This would tide me over a bit depending on how much is donated or commissioned to be able to survive with my van in tact with me in it.. not to mention be able to drive to wherever I needed to to work right now its out of commission inspection wise and needs repair.. Its important to me and the simbiot that Wanda…. (that’s my van) …be saved
Anyway im trained not to get shot to be able to know when the attack is coming
I have countless cars harassing me and every one is delt an imaginary death blow before they even make themselves known.. I do this to improve moral but and impressed.. it still needs training to be more servant to myself and its got some other software in it that wants to try erasing evidence im holding till the FBI can read it.
I foiled an assassination plan with this thing.. I DO NOT think I should be treated like a criminal for warning people of part of this program wanted me to do. As a matter of fact normal people, In reaction to this, even is in disbelief would have said.. well it’s a good thing you said something.. you did the right thing.. nope they were all ready with accusations and deliberate attempts to have me comitable and without any behavior before then to give them such an excuse.
The programming these people enjoy has nervous twitches that are spreadable and act like human teletypes for information (the spy network) caught some from Greece Germany and Russia and Italy,Ireland ,Poland, Mexico Canada china India and Indonesia and Lous Egypt and Britain the heavy offenders being Greece Italy and Irland as conducted by the Eropean Union
Doesn’t matter to me.. im not going to be used like a side show. And im not going to let this go by without warning our GOVT about how these people report back facts about our highly sensitive areas.
already. It might have something to do with a supposed state department training center being built around here a few years back.. Naturally ears are open always.
The Feds don’t seem to be moving on it quick enough which seems like either a big bust in the works or these spies ARE themTo this day I still enjoy messages given to me by the same scource of voice that tell me what they are planning to do.
. The locals are benefiting from my big mouth by having an excuse to send me away and tell others to.
They don’t like Trans Women. And now you know why im Homeless. So im throwing up a hail Mary a flair as it were to allow for my skills as a writer to be used instead of art (the skill they attached the mental triggers to.)
The rocket project was an eye opener.. I took all of their truth finding triggers and put it into the project I have brewing for orbiting the earth with commercial craft and taking on sponsors for a lunar nascar like race.
I am an inventor and published my energy machine on my faebook. So to take the heat off from the power companies.
So these days they are jjust covering up their actions. (which started this whole mess)
My brain is on fire right now with debate over what to do.. My simbiot is worried and wantd to make sure its safe.
The locals struck a blow just recently to confuse it.. and once again im licking my wounds coming back stronger. But financially im pinned down
My cries for help and listing my sensitivities to other peoples personalities gave the bad guys some ideas. To take over my decision processes.
I adapt only so it has to sample things first.
I can be a tremendous asset to you and your company if this thing is treated RIGHT!
For now I need money and a reward for my work. On the screen play a mural or a donation to my fundraiser. A chunk of money would help me live comfortably for a while while I write the rest of it.
Work with me and sharpen it up and we can make a huge movie.
Well hell you could make a documentary about me.. US… LOL
but right now money will save me. Big chunks please.
Eventually I want to crack open the base of my skull with a paid for surgeon and allow my friend room to move down around my shoulders.
My Parents are intimidated by the cops and they know its real. THEY are good people they just don’t have faith that anyone will help us.. so they are going along to get along.
I think a word from your Firm would make a world of difference. Right now they feel defeated and are going with the crowd they already admitted the system they are following is real.. they just don’t qualify as helpers here.
Im due to drive away with a broken down van by Monday they wont let me stay.. they say they will have me towed . .. half of it I think is from the Trans stuff and the other is just this simbiot effecting them and the cops.. there might be a extension of me helping to put a new roof over their porch but they can only afford about 300 dollars. But I still cant stay here . I just wont be hassled for parking here all day
Anyway the same Cops in the city where I live that over saw the procedure that was done to me in their DunKin Donuts are telling my mother and father how to treat me. DUH.
well the staff was coached by some medical professionals who kept coming in to coach the staff on how to program me.
the local law enforcement individuals had a part in ownership of this building.
they fooled me into sitting around while i waited for evidence of a child i didnt know i had.. unknowing that my brain was about to be zapped. and i was made to feel and hear what could only be described as an electric automatic typewriter printing out letters. later they would fool me into other things too and finally fool me into violating an order of not to return after 5 o'clock till i was banned.
I say let me escape their process and just let them figure out what they are going to do about it.. im tired of being threatened for being a hero let me leave this place and be out of their hair. Right now they are just going to find every excuse to give me a rough time wherever im parked too long. They even had people confront me about my van while I was interviewing clients.
This document has my testimony to the truth in the way I see it to be the truth And theory of truths based on 4 years of experience in dealing with this .
Pain comes with a lack of truth in my brain
Im trying to stick to the facts with this letter and sparing you the frivolities
Im not at all sure why the Enquirer hasn’t come calling yet.
I know I can get into character lol. That’s the easy part. hell its in the program . as long as I admit im acting.
By brain wont burn
I hope to work with you some day Im sure we could make a go of it.
Thank you for any help you can offer.
If you have any further questions you can email me at
Or feel free to call me 570 877 1769
My email is at myartist7@aol.com
SSN 161 64 2762
Mr Downey I want to be able to allow you to purchase my screen play Tony Stark Eclypse of Eynonron you can tweek it up as much as you like then resell it to Marvel Or Disney as I hear they acquired Marvel. I already sent out a letter like this one to Ron Howard George Lucas and Tom Hanks
well I hope God sees this too you and finds you well. you see this for what it is. Thank you for your kind consideration.
Please help us as much as you can?
Your friendly neighborhood artist
Francis A Bonner III < my legal name
The afterburner project for the homeless
But you can call me
Please consider Commisioning me. If not Could you please increase my ODs by faxing or resending this out to as many as you think would be interested in commissioning me? If you Can,, thank you Huggs =)
My snail mail address for the next week is
.Francis A Bonner III
216 Lincoln St
Dickson City
PA 18519
Care of Francis and Margaret Bonner
Monday, August 24, 2015, 12:17:11 AM
sent through postal mail a couple days later had a penciled in message on the envelope Urgent with a smiley face or a similar wording My memory is being combated by others memories right now.
I also wrote bonacelli on it. yes that was me.