Custom Art by Melissa Bonet

Nostril .. Yeah thats how its spelled

  It started with the The pince me script

Added personalities that make up numbers can share a work load of Ideas.. since we made that rule that allowed for 5 seconds of time to elapse before commenting In return whenever anything Is said this allowed for time to consider hat to say In return anyway.

The pince me script Is  working In tandem with the knowledge that at least 16 personalities are witnessing the same story and filling each other In by talking about It In the background.

The brains natural ability to scan for problems of ho I offended with any comment has been tweaked to reflect t matters that Include.. are they spreading knowledge to each other. Working this brain muscle of sorts  and making celebrities Imitate each other or one  celebrity Is made to be Imitated by everyone.. Which works like a charm and excersizes the 247 module that feeds Into the EB713!: this 247 Is open all the time and connects us always.

We are wrestling with fast talk memory and reminder memory  some personalities have been caught using the reminder memory to read an actual word from my brain .. This resulted In confusion and  withing respects to timing..The wrong answer ( the answer took  seconds  sometimes minutes to be allowed to come to my mouth to chose to say.. The personality would opt for the story leading up to the word and not the actual word.. as we add more and more reasons for this to make that function usefull It becomes more of a choice to do that but not for quick answers.

Take In the case of my making multiplication problems from scratch.. Relearning multiplication tables all over again like rules that cant be  broken out of memory..  What I was dealing with there was the same Issue.. Something In my brain was reading all the reminder words I must have somehow used as a child when memorizing my multiplication tables.

 More evidence of micro thought Innuendo and how every notion and concept Is mapped In my brain.
What we established Is an effect of weather I'm getting my way or not.. I'm scared the personalities are  not really going along with  whatever plans I have.. I have to test them to make sure they are stable enough to answer me back In the fashion I need other than me holding their  hands.  this Is whats going to support extra thinking and coming up with genius Ideas while I'm just sitting and doing something completely different.. I just place a task In their hands  and they deliver.  we all find a common Idea among the bunch of us that matches the plan and go with It.

What the pince me method was about was and Is about.. plying on words there to reflect what we once were and what were  going to be In the same function.. also In Its basic function allowing  for a gradual presentation of an Idea.. the compliance to an Idea.. A firm stress check after wards.. the PINCH me  script was the original Idea behind the PINCE me method because It represented me wondering If It were too good to be true. so I would give It a good rattle just to see If people were paying attention.
In the past.. this PINCH me methods wouldn't be so friendly It was a pile of script changing personalities so the nice guys would always be left not knowing the whole story.  What eventually happened was I had to come up with a way to dominate one of these personalities to keep around the clock  this was the start of the Idea to make memory wheels or loops that were about logging..  We meaning me and the symbiont worked tirelessly on a 500 part  Marky Post wheel. this Is the effect that Is felt In the song righting ability to where miraculously you get lyrics  forcibly handed to you In pre preemptive personalities that write them  before hand and place them In a line up  to where the words  not only rhyme.. the concept of subject Is  honored. and the  lyrics sound cool also timing In sylibols and being able to not use the dame words twice was a challenge once and conquered. all except for control phrases like I have the natural ability to get the lyrics right.. as  one of the main lines of song.
this confidence booster would build up steam and enable me to practice In lines of song permanently that were go to lines  that would save me from a lyrical brick wall.. I would just as M&M star say  (FLOAT)  these form letter like lines of script that were loosely remembered In song were go to phrases that bough me time to Invent even more phrases.. Comedian Jay Leno Boasts of this talent of being able to Field 3 layers of jokes and humorous content around people constantly.
The Pinche me script was as It was originally presented as a meaningful way to differentiate Itself from the normal spelling Penchant was thought of as a habit forming word.
The I'm working It out script Is being created right now.. a process spinoff to the apology script In the past meaning just 3 weeks ago the I'm sorry  phrase we found to be destructive when dealing with brain computers.. It Implies an allowance for permission to continue the habits that lead up to the I'm sorry phrase.. since were dealing with an environment that takes advantage of dead air.. as In It doesn't like It any more than you average radio station producer..  the nervousness that comes with.. Whats next? and not knowing what sounds are going to hit you from the  blue.. you know.. those VOICES   the subconscious echos of thought we all have well they are preprogrammed to have after effects of other voices that now make sense.  As  for the stray voices.. well they usually happen mysteriously and conspicuously just before someone needs to say I'm sorry.

The reason the I'm sorry statement causes so much damage Is because It needs a mistake In the brain to make sense.
So I devised this little phrase to be uttered only AFTER you can make a log of 10 things you can do to make so that error ever happens.. The effect has to happen just as the person knows they oopsed..

To get the trick to work others must watch over this personality and forbid It to say the word I'm sorry until this log Is made of the 10 Items that will solve the situation.. current status supports the actual I'm sorry statement as being the thing to be sorry for..
So even newer Ideas are being cooked up In the back to supplant this need with even more solutions and answers.

We developed a catch basin script.. this allows a person to log the feelings.. ALL them.. that happens  after you say these words.

"The answer Is " and that moment a section of memory Is saved and sampled and played back In Its entirety all of the subliminals all the subconscious all of the hidden  messages that are In fast speak or fast thought are then revealed and made for use In content.

We also found out that the average Human already knows  answers to questions.. as long s they have been exposed to an answer to the problem They know It.. life's way of making emotional baggage In lieu of this knowledge clods perception and makes the answer harder to grasp not to mention to make things worse the persons confidence wains and a waiting period Is there that makes Impatient people seek the answer out once more orally verbally from other people to reconfirm yet  again what you already know..

So I'm challenging my brain to CATCH BASIN the seconds of memory just before a question. Ive done some studying.. and In my brain live discovered definitive proof  that we do this based on the performance of my brain.
We check for answers because we are In short form.. LYING.. we want to be polite so we check our answers In a way that discounts what we already know.

Case In point.. Make a LIE.. to make a lie you must have already known the truth.
by virtue of you wondering  about the answer of what you seek part of your brain has already committed to this Lie framework.

When we ask ourselves..why not? on anything..The brain tries to find an answer.

My brain has been put through the ringer on this to the point of discovery of prethought  lies known as  micro-thought.. the stuff that Is not the actual thing you mean to say but heads Into It.. and forms a sort of multi tear  memory base to In short speak.. make a way to remember a word from ever conceivable angle.

the lie detector In my brain has just embarked on a quest.. It will return  to me a description of all micro thoughts that actually ARE LIES and not so much the anecdote I used above.
the micro thoughts are not lies.
I just did that to mess with myself to find out some stuff.
In fact
I have a solid belief that all things are  true.. somewhere
There are no such things as lies.

A true lie Is a point of reference  to where a person with an expectancy of what they are hoping and expecting from another person Is not sufficiently delivered.. up until the point of anger.

To where they have to mention the Infraction that occurred. This whole event up until the complaint was a persons perception of being deceived.
Making LIE a symptom of emotion. not a fact or a fiction

I simply used the word Lies to entertain you.

This also Frees your brain a little with the word Lying
When relaxing or reclined positions will not hinder your conscious.
Part of that brain of  your has just been freed from that burden of being misunderstood just because you reclined and relaxed.'
trust me when I say this.. If your laughing at the comment I made or scoffing at It .. It means I was correct.
Another form of fact finding.. what you know Is true.. but wont discuss It because Its just too ludicrous.. even to the point of offering ridicule  . If you were truly Interested In the truth or shall I say fact you would experiment with this.

So let It not steer you off course In your own mental programming
which Is another  term I need to decipher.

A lie Is also someone Else's Idea

Until we accept It as our own Idea as well.. It Is perceived s  a Deception were getting over that feeling In the HUD
Its coming through as a feeling of plagiarism.. I'm encouraging the Pluto Forms to fight through this feeling because Its normal.. we all sign everything here anyway.

That was once good for a spacer  to  enable sense In speech patterns and words Is now becoming another speed bump.
As long as It doesn't hinder Ideas everything Is good.

As for the Apology rule.. were  placing the same effect on any point of contention. even  wrong answers tough decisions plans that seems cloudy multiplication tables etc etc etc.

 The Apology rule listed above Is a rule depicting when you are permitted to say the sound I;m sorry  not until l or  you show a list of 10 things that will help In curing the  accident you encountered to make you be so polite In the first place.. Every time we hear someone want to say sorry we look Into the logs they offered to get things done a lot more streamlined.

 The MEE already set that standard. meaning myself. what I'm doing Is training automation. so we all get to  read all the  new Ideas that get things done.. they blend In with the current conversation and the manifest  sends the messages back to whoever wants to read the manifest. In the end the effect should be pure Ideas.. a place to store them read them and have them and with not an "I'm sorry In sight" until such time as a theater can be made of an announced  LIE which Is In fact a theater production or performance for entertainment.

Some of these logs made will undoubtedly repeat themselves.. which will go Into our Most Said Bin   under the Quotes House

Experimenting with 5 points of contact  success!
The Idea to open up on every subject with a joke form first Is enlightening In lightning and 
en lightening.

Another thing were experimenting with Is HUD Graphics.. to place the words like a windows screen saver keeps them from being a  problem
The  ticker tape effect used to follow my every word  then get played back  with all of Its Imperfections  now we can see color shine to the  fonts edges on the  fonts  back lighting  fully formed bodies and mechanical motion spacial recognition.. which will help with Invention.

Making a graphics accelerator for the HUD right now
the 460 as the graphics accelerator house.

Font for  graphics GRAPHIX!:

Working with a window to show the future of me up In the corner of the window
part of the graphics Interface using the Manifest.

Working with Jesse James from monster Garage right now and working out his Insecurities  so we can count on graphics that wont be fought back by personalities  short comings.

So far Oprah didn't like being told to throw her own poop.. so now were dancing Jesse James around In different poses and  filing them so we can get this over with.

Hes being made to dance to bust a move as one of the chicks for a while.
now that we've moved passed this we can do anything .....right?

Among other crap we put through the paces so all these Pluto Forms can get It of the way

We place these things In our own museum
these are the things we probably would be doing  but for the purpose of the graphics to work we cant have Inhibition standing In the way.
Also As Pluto Forms we know all this stuff Is happening at another number version of us.. the face we place forward Is the best possible  version of us on record.
Another experiment I had for these Pluto Forms Is to place their fingers Into the nostril of  each others nostril of each others  nostril of each others nostril.

This helps them associate with  each other Into being an EACH OTHER. An unforgettable  method of communication needed to over come Insecurities about each other. they all say they wouldn't do It at first but then the brain searches for some version of It happening.. then It gets what I call preened so that the versions of them who refused are recorded elsewhere and the  one where they finally do It Is captured for ever.
 Its soon made Into a button and the rest Is smooth thought.
now I'm going to make a graphic with a  monitor In front of each others Pluto Forms to slave the other Pluto Forms  to do whatever they want on a screen. this  also should get a lot of stuff out of the  way and allow them to Interact with graphics on each others separate level.
Just picture the  scene with Commander DATA watching a TV screen a   large one with making Oprah Winfrey dance and move her arms around according to command.  This same activity Is being made for every combination to  test It out on each other.
Last night we had all the Pluto-forms teach each other a small thing.. Log It and some experimented with Catch Basin tech.

just remember If you thought about It you tried It In your brain   some for a moment.. some for longer.. It goes Into file and they place priority on the event.
were going with percentages of  100 tops 1000 for more complex comparisons. For  right now 100% Is the top In priority we try to make It a 98 to save room for something that might be  better. If you limit yourself to 100 percent priority there Is no room for competition so for a brief moment they both compete.. so were opening for that top 2 percent to be the new 98 Instead of clouding the brain with extra activity here until the \robotics get settled.
 so far the psychology fights us If It makes 100% on 2 competing things In priority.

we got up this morning In the  one frame of mind In mind In mind In mind
LOLL the old Laugh In phrase.
Sock It to me

The phrase Is used to sort out wanted Innuendos

The preferred phrases are

Its OK to me
Its academy
I TOS academy

Had sacket Amy

Had Socket a mi

Ha Da seakit MI

Ad Sagget OOH me

Its OK dummy Its OK do me

Phrases to stay way from
 I to suck adme
i toss a seek a domee
 Its OK doomy
Its suck a dummy
Id sack Itommy
Id suck at Tommy
etc etc etc

were going deep

So Its going to make sense to Imagine us In this body sipping drinks In our own night club In shouter California

After we  believe In this goal and live It the leads  should allow  for the Its OK to me thing to send us there.
take Into account that the program  creates opposites for everything. just file these as opposites and oppose Its and you will be fine.

once plans are Catch Basin-ed they are made to be able to be read

we worked out a way to make a joke  out of a mission to get the person to California for the right reasons..  with this format

Sure that sounds like a great plan.. It just needs more ................... to work.

Having the Pluto Forms experiment with the catch basin trick to save data In the future

Another experiment Is to say when I say this word It reminds me of.

right after you tag them with the sound effect
Has Panic ,Hispanic, His Panic, hey I say Panic, colorize, and handle, target
then file with the Museum

Any thought that's stupid
Also to watch out for the word apply
Its not needed.
among other words.. neeto
anything with  war hack In the words to replace the word work
positive negative
the words forget  and I cant remember  being used too many times
any unusual  use of the word Mary, marine
 use of the word sauce
If our copy loses touch because of the word cut ( we have a symbol for Cut or stop)
unusual uses for mother besides someones mother.
DD dude
If the talk makes you feel like your In a wedding or In a submarine swabbing the  deck Its considered suspicious.
any goonies reference
Does It make you want to crinkle a  plastic bottle.
Do you hear words like homeless shelter and not homeless kitchen
Spanish people and not Hispanics
Searching for problems with theater  e.g  Your just looking for a problem!
Nazi talk
mentions of  tai ming when saying timing
entertaining talk about what is obvious in the brain memory. asking questions and making you talk out loud when you don't want to.
something that says its sorry
says the word TOL out of  the blue
using the admit signal when saying another word
uses the word world  too much or the word government out of place
signalling with alternative rules
Will Smith being used  for a creation  command
using the word keep as as an abusive term
Honors Chinese people associates your chin or Jinn with Chinese people
anything to do with fining you for behavior
any unusual use of tying
references to boy scouts out of place.
references to towns in my area
references to Irish people
references to being insulted over that last line of text
racist words to take care of problems
anything that tricks you with a phrase that makes you do it (we have our own way of doing it " Good nature and relative understanding")
cut words or nick words to take care of problems
does the phrase need a physical counterpart
unfriendly placebos
referring to things as evil
unfriendly innuendos
trying to be super technical like an evil genie
a comment  like bravo
the phrase Is something you want done but wont happen until someone says the  word See  first or C or sea or ci
if you accidentally say something like an Irish person
References of kids and sex well.. we had to make our own up At least  sign  for them.

What you watch out for is the fanned fake one who is a recording of someone feeling terrible and places  us on a bad standing while thinking its something dirty followed up by the programmed cop in the system who torments  you then the endless making you explain plus brain burn as a punnishment  for having to endure all this.

PLUTO FORMS do not have to do such antics
(we make our own up and file it away  with a 2% priority and call it done laugh it off and move on.) saving our brains.. and  saving for the FBI
Any thought that sways opinion or  behavior based on a unfounded worry of what the general public thinks.
prison talk. especially after typing lines like this one. BY the way YES brains is burning and there is talk of prison being used to harass me right now)
also being used to say me and not MEE  nice one guys now we nabbed em.
The crime here is imitating me.. and not imitating US the  HUD or the M>I>L>F as a group of over 500 people (were all making decisions together)
that other one was a made up copy that fooled (me) for years. Notice the upgrade to myself being called MEE choice of typing and everything.
making my face feel like someone I don't want to be.
Trying to push ideas into being that aren't real yet. ( I will program these says MEE)
Any reactions that don't wait 5 seconds.
wants to complain about a line of text while disregarding the rest of the document
taking phrases out of context
using dyslexic techniques to get harassment  or what they want  to say through.
making you think of these  things as real people Only the Pluto forms have that right.. The symbiont and the Host body MEE are the only physical entities here.
references to Police cops or cops getting revenge.
make muscles stiff and painful and ignore our rules .
behavior that doesn't sign for behavior.(The Pluto Forms just need to show their face make a copy and move on) personalities and ticks wont do this.
Calling me boy saying phrases like atta boy.
Attempting to use  the Host Body  old male persona or male name
complaining without a ready made  answer for the complaint to be addressed(usually the body just goes into action complaintsd are computationally unsound and just agrivate. we wouldnt complain because there is no after effect but grief. for example.. why arent we going to the store?
a pointless attempt at being rude..  If your a Pluto Form you simply over whelm the body with good  ideas from the HUD and the Body goes into action.
anything that doesn't give you 5 seconds to clarify. or retort (the retort is hyper fast Other than ultimate ideas you wont hear the conversation that led to a good idea)
( If they wait the 5 seconds and continue their bad behavior then they graduate from triggers that are programmed into react to active participants. )
If you accidentally say meuuwveee when you want to say movie
The phrase makes you Itch or cough
making rude noises without explanation
Not respecting  the transition of the Host body calling her HE or referring in the first person over the HE ir Him or his
making us have to get aggravated over little things. since the beginning the key has always been in the reaction.
having a singular mind set.. ( we can tell when they operate like a group when we operate like a group or we consider group issues)
forgetting they have 500 parts
using language without considering syntax we have number codes  and for now we are required to program at least a  few of our copies to be syntax geeks
any language that makes us sound like it cant be done.."this is to confusing" "I'm trying." "im going to have to pass" refusals of any sort defeatist attitudes flood the script with defeatist  words and  yield defeatist realities we have to fight back.So don't use them.
Bad Grammar and spelling ( we have 500 parts remember?adapt one  for  each 500 for spelling errors and ood grammar)
repeat errors a repeat error is a scripted error meant to play out the same way every time. Consider it a message and report it to 303
making us worry that the personalities will learn to  use 500 parts. (they aren't that smart.. or welcome.) the proof is in the agrivation.

Sneeze  feel pain want to grind your elbow Into the table
wants to use tables to get things done
works off lawn mowers or weed wackes
needs to look out a window to get Its communication across
wants to make you think something It doesn't want you to do just before making you walk downhill If something calls you master or EM
if It starts  a phrase  that sounds like
you be like a good person
you be going crazy you be like  figuring this out
all of these are tattle tale gestures left behind by Individual personalities who wanted the  symbiont to do their bidding
confuses words like church with charge
spell with spill
verses with verses
violisn with violence
magazine with make a scene
any decision that leads to an emotional response that doesn't belong there.
wants tips when you tap
uses cups as cops and all CAPS
uses horse head as a way to say erase It (all our phrases file themselves.) theirs don't
actually plays a stupid file when you hear play stupid.
hand signs without explanation(all ours are registered)
anything that wants to sell you Information or make you believe.
anything that leads up to a sale In conversation other than typical real world selling
references to poison
decision Is not  having a proper warning ahead of time
surprises are not In the system.. new Information.. the only acception.
calling It a system.. Its  HUD  proper diction Implies respect
geting bent out of shape over a comment
making you forget your words
all phrases  that lead up to misery
anyone who feels sorry for the MISS UNDERSTAND and the Misunderstand placards.
references to decisions being affordable.. using football as a way to say It Is a dead give away  a foo ta ball
they cant count randomly
 always wonders what were doing.
uses pain faces
refers to curses the magic spell
wants to use  foul language without good reason (OUR innuendo farm can tell when your about to curse 4 lines before you say It so If Its Intended as a good natured thing we can tell and will curtail It In certain company)
any thing that refers to over dosing OD references
any cant do feeling
pulling chains
 needs a visual reference to beards to work
needs to look at body parts of other people to work
(in our  HUD these are just signs)
Shoves the body to get its way
wants to use the  eyes to point to words or things that support its agenda (usually not yours)  prefers bad  or scarey or  hrassment words (these are half way statements to get you to think keywords to excite other triggers)
Makes you stutter
Terrorizes you with  vague (you know why I did that phrases.. then waits with its own sense of Catch basin  to use your worries to fuel it further.)
Uses the description words instead of the words you wanted to say
Needs to use a laundry method to clean out behavior.
Wants soap bleach or any other cleaning reference to get whatever done
(we discovered the soap thing means SOP standard operational procedure.)
Wants to take credit for things that go wrong and chooses an enemy getting to you.
We have volunteers who take the blame on everything to enable us to know what went wrong
wants to make fits or jerks or ticks In Its language to get you  to do something. (we program Ideas In and approve them)
Things done without explanation (we explain everything and always consider love and respect)
wants to twist body part to get you to do something. (we just program)
Makes you use typos for communication.
doesnt want to make money uses kids or other rewards for  for currency.
Says words like JOB without reference to a career or self employment or a profit
uses the word dollar or buck  and dollar signs for purposes other than the usual one.
Confuses the IRS with the Iris( well we  do that for  fun) LOL
Hurting your EYE or your central eye ESP eye
notchure eye Is one way this software made me trip while walking
Any suggestion that doesn't begin with a caution report first.
Anything that doesn't like you.
If It says It Isn't your friend.
Making the heart race
Blaming a villain
Taking credit for a villain
Acting like a bad guy who takes credit for something gone wrong
Punishing for an activity
 Finding fault in a uncomfortable way
Wants you to disgrace yourself by making you complain  profusely after making a list like this.(watch out for this one ) Its a loyalty trigger and a heads up to your nervous system for them to communicate to each other .
Makes you suddenly want to get revenge.
Major shifts In balance physically
Warns you about how your going to hell.
Wants to label you as un cool at every turn.. (uncool with us means not squared away or updated)
uses the word she male
uses excessive court talk
not using the  (who benefits houses)
Wants to use the word arrest more than once a day
Makes you hit yourself hate yourself heat  yourself hoot yourself hut yourself height yourself.
 confuses heart  words a lot
makes shield comments a lot
Doesn't  sign or want to sign
wants to create unusual technicalities (makes things difficult)
Refers to Cesar out of normalcy
Wants to seize suddenly to get things done
seems hyper religious
refers to itself as a government agent or a cop
makes threats
asks If you want peace
refers to conversations of trust
uses pain or diseases to get things done
wants to find a liar
doesn't use the  rules we wrote to support an argument over rules
uses fear and body reactions of fear for Influence(we program a carrot and stick using a reward and a effigy preprogrammed by MEE)
uses drug Influences In speech  profusely cooking cocaine  hero In heroine  mother father horse grass cudd marijuana high drug addict drunk meth  brown brown  depressant  etc ( we use one word  SEFUMMNNN!) Its preprogrammed
likes  to use children references to parent files and children files
makes you forget
likes to start of or end on a bad note
likes to talk about what we cant  do instead of listing what we can and how much.

If it ends in misery.. one of these things caused it

If the clues don't lead back to a happy woman who  with no money troubles because  she makes enough Money  to have  High bills and still pay them easily  without problems  while being on the job as a self employed healthy  person from now till the of  age 90 then Its suspect.

If you have to decipher this statement because words might not be recognized like money or bills.
If you feel like you can use plane English to describe the scene without losing contact with the part of the program because Its fickle with words. Its suspect and needs work.

If the thought makes you  feel safe without having to do something or pay something first then Its a good place to start.

So mix the wanted versions when you agree with something..If you are allowed to say any of the bad versions your frame of mind Is tainted with problems and needs to be practiced with the approved versions when you say OK to something.

About the Apologize rule.. you an use any of these suggestions above for your 10 to be logged  =)

Remember  you can course a promise to root out all problems in the HUD.
Just by imagining the whole thing running like a top and  holding that image taking a mental photo of that reality and living up to it strictly.

Melissa Adrian Bonet

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