Custom Art by Melissa Bonet

Dr Michio Kaku Rdes a tiger in the HUD

3 groups of celebs
1st group tells a story
2nd group files I t
3rd group posts It
1st group reads the posts

I had a dog that would  fuck the  chicken once, we stopped eating the eggs. This was the  phrase we used for the practice run and It went well! the test was to keep everyone's face straight while they said It.
testing the message for Its Integrity.

we have success we decided to place our fingers In each others nose.  This would Insure they would Know  themselves as different than the others.

as a friendly gesture
also breaking the Ice between them

making them all commit an Idea of success just thinking of the other Pluto forms getting an answer or just plain ole doing any ole thing
imagining Jeff GoldBlume having wings where he flys around and talks to  Barbara Eden on a cell phone.

Suddenly, hes doing It!
and It gets recorded to be played back as a Midio story for all to enjoy and It never had to talk with my mouth.
A Midio Is a memory segment that looks like a video but has feeling, mood,  sound  and video.

This Morning we made ED MITT the professor from MIT to field all of the commands concerning IT  add IT compile IT IT In every phrase because we found some that were being used for abuse.
still going strong with the Hispanic thing.
Ive separated the Pluto forms from the main conscience for a while to work out some kinks with my own 500
when I re engage them they should have a lot of fun without many Interruptions. left over echos of thought that feel like someone hurting
The phrase came up .. (It can Happen) I suddenly had an Idea.. I Forbade a the Pluto Forms to say that phrase or anything like It or the opposite.
I then allowed only Melisas to say It.. and If any other personality  were to say something It was Ordered to be  tagged as stupid or forced to call Itself stupid.
the 500 then went through a 500 point checklist for a sissy girly slutty version.. another test.
 as each of the 500 would agree to recite her number we found some week ones who still Imitated other people.
the word threat came up when the 380s were mentioned. a few other people we found hiding pretending to be me.
The Scranton mission crowd came up on 116
The Other day a police SUV parked  down the street  from where I was working
 An Incident happened,where I was made to say some things that sounded threatening I meant every word of It.


 I would have chosen a better venue and far more Intellectually oriented words.. Instead Of the Cops Buddy mouthing them for me with my mouth. and making me look like a threat. At least they had a dash cam getting the whole thing. I said to the cop Inside my brain to die. and I was sure that whatever  authority that governed them who couldn't arrest  them would take care of them In the real world.

The problem with this stuff Is Its controlling me to do things the way other people would do them and say them and this Law enforcement not only knows about It but was and still Is complacent In Its foul writing. Daily I have to do mental writing  so that I don't fall Into their traps.. their buddy Inside me just burns away bran cells hoping to cover evidence.
Oh yeah Munley Law? I have evidence  now. call me at 570 877 1769 to  have a serious consultation before I end up  litigating against YOU.
Till then I race against the clock  programming myself . categorizing everything soon Ill write a Book Movie etc. and Ill have a tell all.
Liability? I can make up any fact about anyone and the Onus Is on them to prove me wrong.. not to mention I have a truth detector In my brain that  burns and squeezes and shocks my brain when I'm deceptive.. I have to make a literal attempt at admitting a lie  just to avoid It.  This Is why the other personalities from people Instigate so much turmoil.. they seem like Lies to this system built In here.

I can safely say right now.. as according to legal advice from the past.. the Law enforcement offices are framing me.
If I ever do anything brash.. I'm using this In my defense In a court trial.
One cop wanted me to eyeball his side arm on one occasion another controlled my response verbally.. another made me stare one down
 do the math. the same one tried to Intimidate me the other night getting out of his vehicle walking taward me.. I kept walking he faned a need to get to the other side of his vehicle.

 Hoping to get some help with a doctor I pay for. somewhere In Hollywood.

Couldn't find my money tonight and something wanted me to believe It was stolen.  Had me wrestling to gain control over my brain.. having Infiltrators  left  over who didn't want to cooperate without setting up more brain burn  episodes. culling away parts of my decision centers  leaving only what they wanted to leave behind to be the predominant thought.  MY brain Is pulling Itself apart because of a command structure that's compelling my brain parts to do this out of command from a foriegn language. Im finding more and more g and j mix-ups In pronunciation and the person who Is Infiltrating me Is trying to communicate using  comparison words or description words Instead of the word I wanted to say.
So I continue to tag unwanted behavior.

Currently I'm In the middle of re writing some of these Infractions with a pre recorded phrase just before the action or word choice. so as to own It and be able to direct It.. recording the saying Hello this Is Melissa Bonet ad I'm (  enter corrupt words here)
this would add competition to the phrase and have me make It less threatening.. also arm movements   and body  motions.. all thanks to my created 500 personalities they can take turns handling the problem.

I pounded my head tonight within view of cameras. (they know who the personalities are.) So Its reasoning that the personalities would stop harassing me for fear of committing murder. the harassment stopped.

These cops think they got this covered? My brain burns right now from response of writing this letter.

I Have Movies to  write.. get the hell out of my Life.
Ill build the case If you like.. I got the hardware for It.

tonight I'm going to do more experiments with the 500 to root out  feel alikes

The Pluto Forms Jobs were to  watch to see If I Imitated people I didn't want to Imitate. the culprits I found as being responsible for attempting to Impersonate the Pluto Forms.
Its problematic because these personalities come to life with a facial expression and the one whose giving me a hard time now Is a guy who preaches for a local church.. I can tell he has a system as well somehow and It bugs me when his likeness just never knows when to leave.
I had a talk with a more advanced him today And  found 2 FBI agents who couldn't keep up Biblicaly and were Imitating HIM Inside my brain!

The way It works Is the truth detector has become so adept at sorting out personalities and likenesses that you  cant spoof for very long
 Also the only way to out them Is to make brazen copies of them making thier mistakes  at their worst othewise It comes off as my mistake.. Thank god or else I might as well be walking around doing some pretty murderous things..

The Pluto Forms are told to run on a content state of forgiveness a buffer zone that allows for conversation without conflict (Its a new concept).. Normally I outlaw forgiveness In the HUD. Apologies are computationally Unsound. The 149 Is the one number that gets along with other Pluto Forms the most . I trained It to align with the asking forgiveness from the  computer system to allow you passage (this Is why Its Illegal to me). some personalities had this knowledge.. some didn't.. and while your In their control.. they are not thinking HUD programming or escaping torment with  the latest trick  they hang on till the end of their session leaving me to suddenly remember afterwards of how to get rid of the problem.

I Hope to educate the Pluto Forms to watch over me when this happens to get more readings and more ways to eliminate this threat.
So far so good as I would say  they have an amazing resiliency to  not be effected by stressful situations knowing the 499 others of them can handle anything else.  so that the one copy of them Is the most complaisant one of the bunch. the personalities don't have this talent or programmed skill I refuse to let them.

Poking their eyes or nostrils with a long spiky coupling from the VR finger of a Pluto Form  will cause another Pluto Form to giggle but kill a personality effigy.

This I Invented  for the VR Hologram to Enjoy I have these  celebs sticking their fingers In each others noses this way.. the effect s funny but It establishes  differences. an It makes them Laugh.. Inducing a chemical likelyness of survival In the brain.   The Plutoforms are the only entities who can legally Laugh without  using the HUDS one and only generic  Laugh track

Last night we had William Shatner Putting his finger In Jeff Goldblums Nose and Jeff had his finger In  Dana Sculley's nose. and she had her finger In Gary Colman's Nose.

Alan Alda Had His nose poked by Neil Armstrong  and was picking Headys nose from ncis.
It was a lot of fun and  an eye opening experience.. especially after I made them say that phrase I gave them to express from up top.

Seth Green came to life more than ever last night

Tonight were  going to do more nose picking and  go VR dictionary
also experiment with a 20 step Idea to get to a goal.

The goal soon Is to place them away from my body so that I can see them at a  distance and this way they can use the thought bubbles and audio an not have to use my motor functions In my face. ALSO working on an Interface to show this off to the world using a VGA adaptation

Besides making Dr Michio Kaku ride a tiger to the song streets with no name. U2

We didn't get through all the list from the one we posted on Twitter last night but It was Informative and fun. we also discovered thought based programming that didn't need my face to make them come to life. Hopefully they can  rid me of this  brain burn I'm experiencing right now.


#Robert Downey Jr


Till next time
Melissa Adrain Bonet


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