Geek Speak. responsible for murder?
Aligning more Information to battle the Influence of the old program Its Influences are being copied and mimicked by the new Pluto Forms understanding more and more.
Tonight we taught seven of nine Pluto form to be addressed with a thank you Seven of nine! sound effect whenever the realization occurs..
The sound effect Is to Increase the realization she exists. because of her name the save command Is used more often than her designation or name so she blends Into the back ground so many times.. At least with this strategy this will Illuminate to the other Pluto form of who helped everyone out In recognizing opportunity.
Whenever a moment were to occur labeling our options. as a best case scenario and the options that have been made. for example.. If you miss the bus look a the bright side.. your going to get a good cardio walk out of It. other options open up..
This very mind set Is attitude control.. this Is what 182 controls and Is where Seven of nine Is Installed and Is the attitude I wish to emulate especially In times of danger. She by her stage presence Is very self protective and self respecting. this Is the aspiration I wish to have 24 7
her functions go so much further than social and opportunism exists In components as well so her translative capabilities will be recieved In the same equivalent according to syntax speak. so a high mark 176 157 mideo198 142 132 499 157 143 psideo 146 167 107 mideo 163 157 127 167 127 139 107148 146 144 499 360 107 so this Is made to align the processor to work better and choose a more advantageous mideo and psideo
Which have been recorded as a emotion memory with emotion and thought a capture of a moment feeling experiences and video with audio we call It a MIDEO
PSIDEO Is the same sort of thing but In a precognition speak. Its a psychic reading.
414 Is responsible for dealing with this department the Psideos are created and maintained by our 414
We've also discussed the advent of emotion taking over words when debating looses out because there Is no actual beating.. that would be a 198 function.
The 198 divys out winners on leading choices or plans that are superior. when the brain suddenly feels like someone else just got disgusted or somehow took the word the wrong way a computational error Is sounded Keep In mind the old authors of this program went by sound and how phrases shook you up made you feel guilty and they gauged their ability to read you based on what Information was processed after they made you feel bad. this old habit Is being supplanted by Its computationally sound house In my HUD 182 will have a lot of functions she can supplant here for the betterment of re-translating through what other words can be mistaken by the word discussed . Optimistic words that compete with disgusted and allow for the body to heal from PTSD episodes based on artificial guilt trips and having to dedicate memory Files to this effort.
The whole system was based on making me make habits on my own volition however the original authors never told me the writer who organizes all these wanted versions of me hollering at the air against Latin and German people that this over time through refinement of better thinking turnes out to be THEM making the Symbiont think this was my wish!
when a voice comes through making your mouth say things like an Imbecile and the way you say It Is so much more refined.. suddenly the Symbiont Is obeying them.. well then over a few hundred times of this pre scripted version of someone doing this to get their way.. you realize Its not you doing It. the next logical step I remember Is who.. the only way I can get around these people Is to train the symbiont to be smart. and recognize the differences between me and them. so that we can calculate just how they got It done..
Now we are going to have the whole 500 list In their Individual files over what mistakes can be made by accidentally Invoking an emotional response over the sound of their names.. and their number slots on the 500 from 001 scissor one that makes some of these older files forget themselves to 380 a number we MADE field all of our threats
380 Is now being programmed to file all dangers and bad decisions and opposing views Into the 148 file the danger file and the 164 file the file put aside for BENEFITS THE ENEMY
A variation of this law says.
Definition of enemy still stands.. Any Person Place or Thing that desires you to be miserable and benefits from It.
The Pluto Forms Offer opposing views however one big difference.. they don't benefit from my misery. Even now they are calling me on this and looking at small points of Interest where working out can be considered a misery benefit.. However again they do not benefit from this misery.
Im going to be working with the team from Geek speek on this notion In Pluto Form form. they have a radio show on KUSP In california there one announcer host Is working for Facebook and Is responsible for the Ill treatment for when I was trying to get evidence out to the public about this program that wanted me to attempt to rape a chile just so It can claim It to be bad. Without me educating this basic program It would have had Its way to some degree and Its number one Impulse to sample and judge would have gone on and I wouldn't stand a chance at fighting It without publicly humiliating myself and the bad guys In one fell swoop.
I need to remind the public.. Facebook serves as one of the main gate way of Information about people for the CIA.
This group who boasts of working at Facebook needs to be called to the carpet.Ive always been a fan of Geek Speak Im sure they can clear this robotic debokle up cant they?
The only way this program has been able to remain so secret so far is to implement programmed ways to destroy brain tissue making me act like a mentally challenged individual .
To calm the public's nerves.. If you were exposed to this program what would you do in the face of destroyed brain tissue that insured your fighting this agenda would be removed.?
I have a 2 tear plan of attack here number one the more mature fashion is to make this program work. to which to my glee is superior to the old program.
However in the result of a Last resort solution Ive muscularly programmed myself to grab the persons ass cheek and slam their heads on whatever surface necessary to insure a death.
This should be enough to tell any would be criminals and or spies and or political appointees that they are responsible for murder , The attempt of murder ,The organization of a murder not to mention the conspiracy to commit a murder.
Another persons.. my Own and Themselves as being the murder victims.
Seven Of Nine shall Insure this Data be preserved as an insurance policy of mutual aided admittance to an enemies Destruction.
Facebook on one of thousands of occasions went personal and at least one time and until i offered a law suit threat between software companies erased my scroll bar when logging onto Facebook. Look it up information champions Melissa Bonet Facebook time line. this prank? after i was protesting of what and who did what to my brain was Ill received and reacted to by erasing my scroll bar.
until i protested it remained how did i protest I said the words they needed to hear in order to grow the hell up.Proprietary lawsuit
Melissa Adrain Bonet
PS I still don't have that Basket Ball smell.
Signed Your Matriarchal Over lord. MwwWAH!