Custom Art by Melissa Bonet

CongressMan Cartwright Help me?

Went through a pile of older mental  notes this morning.  YOU KNow the nervous Tick kind.

Found one fireman personality that doesn't have my skill of clicking his tongue A few others giving him  orders from the outside of my body.

He also likes to body check people with his  shoulder and he likes football

His sort of studdering problem  came to life when I was working at Josephs restaurant in Peckville while the fire company across the street in concert with the valley view football team as well as people at planet fitness and Peck-ville and Scott township Police and like minded males of this area would write in memories to be willing to explore a scare tactic so horrible It would lead me to find out  through a quest of my own.

Using partially driven shock tactics and memory improvisation I would find Modules built in my brain that would be that of a short memory of putting my penis into action.. crossed over with a small persona over all physique.

I was just as alarmed as you were while this whole thing was going on all the players wanted me to be afraid of  being accused of being a pedophile.  NOT TO WORRY because Well into my ordeal I was rewarded with a fact that this same feeling that's been recorded into me to come to life.. also came to life around an alien grey picture.

This led me to the auto finder being abused to trick me into thinking I had a problem.. Insuring my shock and making me wonder how I would get this information out to the public.

I was being extorted. and being set up to either take the fall for or being groomed to help in the assassination of a Senator.
When I approached  people I knew to warn them about this,
I would be met with a lot of people who would go through peculiar measures to cover this up.

Its times like this where I have to stop and consider what alternative phrases they could have used other than  Telling me to "seeking help" or denying me resources or comfort that would have kept me in Good standing with my bills  and kept me able to make a living and stay In my own home.

Whats the Purpose to this  part of my web page? to add further evidence of a strange thing that was done to me and involved my very own family to cover it up.. a mechanical device placed  somehow.. somehow



That If left to its own devices would have been lead to make me a genius and a ranking individual in the community for sure. not to mention have the calculation power to fly a military drone glider.

I outed a private spy network that was abusing this device all for its delivery properties delivering messages to me videos and pictures. not to mention texts to tell me to do all this stuff with its own graphic display.

So now I have to place evidence out for the Possible FBI to garner some interest responsibly this time and not hiding facts like their ill mannered and ill tempered predecessors would.

I'm putting myself through endless drills  so that my brain will calculate and organize according to my wants and desires.

What do you suppose I would do to make myself Better using this device?

Its not exactly socially acceptable for a personality that was written in my brain to constantly complain about events involving such a rude intervention when a kid walks by my artificial memory is challenged and shocked with undesirable  flash memory

So Im going to record the synapses and make algorithms just like them and indulge. under a more friendly flag  MINE. This will take away the sting and allow their copy to be untouched.

There is an attempt I just was make  aware of to make me work with a cortisol mechanism that spots memory and fries it away. this method may be whats the thing these people are attempting to do.. excite the memory and target it for destruction.. leaving no trail for the FBI to discover.

A lady just came by where I'm working telling my self shes taking a picture.  and this excites a mechanism that wants the brain to do a sort of book mark.
Is she friend? Or is she just another attempt to render data useless in the evidence pile.

I'm not concerned over  weather or not I have the right amount of  evidence or not anymore.. aside from the cerebral abuse  to which I have to complain.

.. I already stored these memories away for them encrypted in every personality I could make. Most right out of Hollywood.

There is a synapse of some kid trying to escape my grasp whose naked. its a  small memory and makes me want to  keep it for later as to show how its been transposed on my brain to have to use for nailing these bastards.

I'm concerned that garnered this memory using look alike memories and transfixed other modules over them to look like an attack some how.. I would be remiss as a human being if I  didn't believe this was a way to  slander myself or frame me either way I have to report it.. I'm also concerned over the way the  general populous would react.. I  If one of them might entertain thoughts of myself hiding true memories like this one somehow.. the thought of this makes me sick. So Its Important that I dispel any myths about what is going on.

This could have also been recorded from someone in a prison  the memory device depends on points of interest that conjure up a sort of dot matrix. Your brain does the rest.

Match up the algorithms and there you go. Unsuspecting victims wondering why they just saw a kid being raped. If they were being convinced they were trying to prove or visions.

They could have always used  sodium pentatol for truth extraction.. they didn't have to be this barbaric.. so the device has to be good for something.. Its going to be big I can feel it.

I suspect the fraternal order of police doing this to me to protect their officers  from prosecution.

I happen to know the one who sells the stickers you see adorning homes businesses and vehicles everywhere and she works for Munley Law. In Scranton Pa

The same family that wants to have  me poisoned with radiation to get rid of the liability of my story getting big enough to endanger Congressman Cartwright's Career. By insisting I work On a painting for them right next to a dentists office while stalling me on pay for months.

Prove me wrong.. If your reacting  then I know your doing this. Saying nothing or being  Aloof will do nothing to help.

Im sure Congressman Cartwright has better things to do than attempt murder or intimidate with  a murder conspiracy and his old firm had better clean house and  award me with judgements In large  monetary awards when this is through. IF not the truth will force my brain to tell my body to bury your likeness and keep it from ever adorning the same shelf as decent ever again.

My brain still burns from your device.

Am I wrong?


I Have a Career In Hollywood waiting.. I expect you to expedite the process.
I Gave you an option once to help me put your logo on the Moon  Yeah the actual MOON.. You slapped my back and told me to stick to my art.

I asked your firm to represent me one on this.  you gave me the run around.

So lets  fix this OK?

Your hopefully friend in this,

Melissa Adrian Bonet

Francis Adrian Bonner III


I am a loud mouth about this stuff and am unafraid to take some bad guys with me if need be.

To this day I hate you for what you've done to make this come to life the way It has and i want your skin to acorn my next house as window dressings.

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