Ophgobinipnep Productions
OK here It is.. I reveiwed all the people at a glance at Stage 32 I see ALL this Talent There.
Some folks here still struggling I see some with awards from things they have created. I thought of a business to put together movies and a TV pilot for each of these people. We get together and form an Artists corporation that promotes everyone in their own film. Or conglomeration of Actors , Actresses, Producers, Screen Writers, Camera operators, Special Effects persons to go in on a project together.. You know, Join forces!..
SO,.. While were all sitting around waiting for that call.. We can be making magic.. and the Silver Screens of the world may never hear our Cry. Well, Now they Can.. and in the process form a business to promote. I have a plan to work with you people in one form or another. I Already Have a few Movies I want to make. I have to dig for financing. YOU People know all those angles. Ive been blessed and cursed with a brain trauma that's left me ultra creative Its made me into a Savant. I have limitations to my expertise and ability to do things. Ill get over them I'm sure.. Eventually. It would be a shame to let this sudden blessing of talent to go unheard. So I offer a coop with as many other Ambitious people in this medium as I can.
ONE of my abilities? to feel peoples reactions Mentally and go over a scene a movie in my head just like I'm experiencing it for the first time.. each time.. until its perfect.
Why Am I not just doing things like crazy right now and wowing the world with this?.. Because, when im not doing movies.. I'm doing what other people feel ,Involuntarily. My brain is overwhelmed with trying to maintain an Art career among so many minds. Trying to survive finding common denominator with a whole lot of peoples habits.
The reason I'm in this predicament to begin with I'm an inventor, Invented a free Energy Machine THAT,..Got a lot of people after me and compiled with my transition well Ive been Bullied with the best around.
So I'm inventing my way out of this.. Try doing that with the local waitresses ambitions MY ambitions. their smoking Habbit My non smoking life. their drug addiction My brain on dopamine floods. Plus the local thugs ambitions fighting each other. GO FOR IT right?. "Yeah well.. someday.." Meanwhile Back at the ranch!
We can set up Pilot programs around the world here and there to authorize agents to show where they can apply their talents . I hate that word.. "Free." But while were taking chances with out being paid while writing this scripts.. we can be playing them out.. instead of letting them build dust. I would Love to pay you. show me where to get the money and Ill Insure your talent gets paid all its worth!
My brain gets all stingy and confused when I want to do the research for funding . "That's because the people inside me aren't interested in making movies."They have their own lives.." Ill get it right eventually. Tonight I had to Battle with someones Interpretations of what I'm reading just because, "They don't speak English."
I'm a go getter..They aren't always. Sometimes its the guy who cant concentrate down at the Kitchen. Sometimes its a Celebrity. As a matter Of fact I get stuck in roles every day. A celebrity Known as George Takei was with me this morning mentally and everything I knew about him invades your brain and your body and brain just submits to his control at least the memory of what he would be like based on other peoples memories.You Literally Become Them for a time,then your body is theirs. It is a lot like quantum leap. Your Face feels like theirs you sound like them inside your skull you act like them and subjects are strictly made to make your brain obey the parameters that rule their identities .Some people are on a separate waveband and sometimes they get confused. Again, non English speakers.. something to do with phrases that cal upon them to comment.
Ive seen that crowd funding and wondering how effective that is.
I already have 4 movies I can just dedicate to this effort in the way to create a show piece to woo the attention of some of the bigger directors. You people know where we can get funding.. lets just get together and help each other out in the mean time we can garner attention above the rest who wont.
Melissa Adrian Bonet
Francis Bonner III
Ophgobinipnep Productions
Dickson City Pa