How to program yourself
How to program yourselfFind out whatever made you do something
assign a trigger phrase to make you do that one thing
over time It should become habit
once that habit is established you can create a syntax in your brain to make you go though the same motions as a syntax would make you think the after results of the writing.. there for the after goal is achieved when your programing is automatic and happens without your consent
this is the essence of the programming because you wouldn't want your own emotions or disbelief getting in the way of this function especially if you have it trained to go into action right when you need it to protect you.. say for example Karate training
Instant physical memory at your beckon call
if you excersize this mind control syntax you can attach line by line a KATA to come to life without your input forbidding it.. just the same as real life fight and or self defense.
this lack of consent also comes in handy for data processing for when you want to assign quick flow chart like rules to your behavior. In this fashion your computerized mind can now overpower what was once daunting.
So with me my brain is wired for immediate reward and punishment on a fact Its much simpler of a process after all the torture my brains been through Ive managed to pay attention to the syntax or chosen words that make up its basic functions.
some Ive had to adapt for my own purposes.. simple commands like write
yes you have to have a vigilant memory of an identity or else your imagination will rule you instead of your disciplined system.
After you religiously go through this and can easily associate your dopamine to be able to be triggered.. that's that feeling you get when your in love.
the neurons will quickly want more of that
Once you have a successful run of a habit that you can bring to life easily
You can use the same feeling of that habit and lace it onto another habit.. creating secondary ne
once you get them to come to life in respect to each other you can make a sort of controlled domino effect.
much like writing lines of text fora web page it will become.
Don't worry your going to understand basic programming this-way. as soon as you have an intimate understanding of what made you do what. you realize the cause and effect and can recreate these on your own deliberate.
start also by labeling what is true.
if you condition yourself to be submissive to a rule and associate it with a known truth It will trick your brain to readily follow this truth.
I am confident and if I am not confident I am confident
this loop program when associated with an inanimate object being what it is will over time over whelm your senses and bolster your confidence
me myself Melissa Adrain Bonet I mean.
I'm a transsexual woman
I make this mantra to believe in.
There are guys issues.. then there are kids issues.. then there are OUR issues..
This comprised with a dopamine reward system for when the AHA moment is discovered.. (the inner Identity of a woman) I suddenly have created a mental vacuum.. My brain is forced to accommodate to fill in for whats missing
This comprised with a dopamine reward system for when the AHA moment is discovered.. (the inner Identity of a woman) I suddenly have created a mental vacuum.. My brain is forced to accommodate to fill in for whats missing
There is one thing to consider.. This works for me if i kill of all competing phrases my brain might co create to combat this.. be it fear of making a choice or just wondering what the other phrases sound like. this is where a strong sense of who is doing to programming comes into play
I associate my social security number with all my personal inductions like this to be sure Its only ME doing the program. this lends to the power to separate your intentions with wilder thoughts
while your controlling your speaking in tongues technique. by programming it to automatically follow this mantra.. it becomes natural.
speaking in tongues inst hard.. you just relax your mouth and let it speak for itself.. no matter how gibberish it might sound after a while
hone in on the successful brain synapses that answer you back with programmed precision and again reward with dopamine
you can get an artificial dopamine trigger going by associating the thought with something funny
The next time your watching a comedy catch yourself laughing and absorb the feeling
then do a sort of tongue speak while practicing your syntax. this will allow the brain to naturally reward good programming
don't fall for the garbage of spirits
Your subconscious wants thrill It might fool you to think a demon or a spirit is talking to you.. I happen to know from experience in cornering these so-called demons or spirits in logic.. they run out of answers.
breaking you out of this spell.
I will flow up on more of this on another page.. trust me I know what I'm talking about.
I associate my social security number with all my personal inductions like this to be sure Its only ME doing the program. this lends to the power to separate your intentions with wilder thoughts
while your controlling your speaking in tongues technique. by programming it to automatically follow this mantra.. it becomes natural.
speaking in tongues inst hard.. you just relax your mouth and let it speak for itself.. no matter how gibberish it might sound after a while
hone in on the successful brain synapses that answer you back with programmed precision and again reward with dopamine
you can get an artificial dopamine trigger going by associating the thought with something funny
The next time your watching a comedy catch yourself laughing and absorb the feeling
then do a sort of tongue speak while practicing your syntax. this will allow the brain to naturally reward good programming
don't fall for the garbage of spirits
Your subconscious wants thrill It might fool you to think a demon or a spirit is talking to you.. I happen to know from experience in cornering these so-called demons or spirits in logic.. they run out of answers.
breaking you out of this spell.
I will flow up on more of this on another page.. trust me I know what I'm talking about.