Custom Art by Melissa Bonet

To just .. KNOW STUFF

Writing a program for you to  know facts easier
To just... KNOW STUFF

Before we continue let me establish one fact
 a Lie Is a truth that hasn't been proven yet.

I will not stear you wrong on answers In this blog.. I promise.
Ive felt the pain of knowing the truth In my own brain and I don't ever want to do anything other than amaze and help you become geniuses and about 10 to 20 dollars  shorter on cash Thanks to buying my book.

Thank you. =)

Now that that's been  realized
carry on.

Heres a little Grass drill to keep your mind aware of hidden answers In your brain.
 Ok Its  not little Its little to me.

If you haven't then My mental Breath  wont smell as sweet I promise. But just whisper to yourself It was gifted to you by a friend  who did Buy It.
That works for me.

For those of you ever stuck hearing voices and your able to program a few to repeat themselves because they some what make sense to you
heres a few doozies to keep In mind. If not.. then make some.
It can  be done.

Just talk  with your self every other word a mental version of your phrase.

Its a what I'm  going to call a mental Breath

Its new to me too.
HUH? you say?
Yeah I'm the one writing this  thing  for you to know the answers quicker so.. follow me.
Then you. then you. then make me your mental Breath.

My voices were Imprinted Into my brain by  jerks  leaving my brain to battle constructed frames of mind.

Phrases like I know  what you did.. while taking advantage of another phrase  that's trigger loaded to repeat your thought by asking you to say that again?

Being triggered by your  fear  of being guilty of something.. anything.. as long as Its guilty and then another phrase that makes you repeat the  phrases explaining the  guilt..

With a small army of ready made phrases looking for key words In combinations to further this process.. It begins to take on a  life of Its own. Until you adopt the religious  masochism that's needed to talk back to these trained thought wasters your doomed to be tortured.  You start to predict when they happen. because they keep repeating themselves In cycles.
so heres what I found to be the most advantageous In beating these man made demons. The Kind of Demons that take away your self worth  self concentration and self  awareness and then It hits you.. someone who wrote this crap was just self ISH  and doesn't find It kind to be part of a self ISM.

Actually this system of ticks that was built Into my brain has me giving up crap once Im getting ahead. so I am keenly aware of Its next trick by simple memory.

Over the course of 5 years Ive learned to fool the system of ticks Into believing more than they wanted to originally.. you know how?
since they are all built on line of sight Ions I just go super slow. In this process.. they are super curious and remember the details I think between Icons.
Icons are the things I casually look at to excite a triggered tick the tick that's  going to be triggering the next tick.

Given a desire to make a certain family happy  above all costs.. naturally these ticks allow  certain persons likeness to emerge and punish me when  something happens  that I know might hurt him or his family.

 The method  that's been placed In my brain Is a  way to encourage me to hurt him somehow.. then get punished.
The way I fight that Is to wait It out. thanks to that guys arrogance I'm able to better predict his every move by scheduling
since he likes to use his friends to excite these triggers as well
I'm better able to know what their next move Is.. as If by Instinct

So what are these doozies I mentioned?
Simple phrases that I had to fight brain stopping  activities just to be able to speak or type out loud  so don't take this lightly
the phrase

a winner In my book.
meditate on this.. picture two people In your brain fighting to find the solution to any problem you have.. and have one of them say I told you so on purpose
start off on smal tasks  easy ones and train your  brain with that one phrase. again and again on small things that you know are fact
 and then make a game of find the fact
 something a little more challenging
associate the good answer with a large slug of your most favorite and If you can tolerate It.. sweetest coffee.
 the same neurons that got you over the bitter taste of coffee  will now reward you for correct answers. Yes Its the  the CAFEINE  so dont to the decaff sleepy head ok?

Now the next doozie
make a simple math equation
I like to use 5x5
get the feeling of Its truth
now make a misleading one.. or call the 5x5 =25 a lie.
set up a lie as apposed to the truth of your I TOLD YOU SO ARGUMENT
say 5x5 Is 25 Is a lie again and again and again
once the moment you feel like you believe that.. Apply fake answrr from the I told you so.. you see? Elephants dont have 9 ears!
they have 2   told you so! and the sam feeling  goes to the 5x5= 25 thing and the same thing goes to the lie or the Incorrect answer to be the same feeling

Next thing your going to have to do Is erase  Lie from your vocabulary slowly.

Reason? It will  drive you buggy If your brain has to think of all these people being dishonest for every wrong answer you get.
If you equate  an answer as being true then the false one will mislead you and you will hear more voices that will want to deceive you.
If you simply consider the most correct answers associated with a reward you will still consider the people but they will be learning and hold onto the wrong answers as an example of what Is In the wrong category. The judgmental feeling fades and you become a genius.
Do you know that supposed 10 percent of your brain you use comment you keep hearing the 30 percent comment you keep hearing   some say the 50 percent comment they hear Is misleading? but you can turn this Into a tool.
associate memories with smells
The areas In your synaptic pathways both oral and  olfactory can be  borrowed for memory retention and Increase the portion of your brain usage for Information material.
Ever see the movie Curve the bullet?
Ever see the movie  The rescuers down under?  find the common theme!

I as trained to find you anywhere on the planet and kiss you of of It. I can I just  dont have the time.
Im writing self  help books n all.
 God for the soul.
 I'm just paying It forward.

What Happened to me was I got stuck In a whirlwind of habits that took my free will away and recorded me to be played back through my own mouth. the excitement In the first year was the deciding factor over the subject matter.. a lot of  screaming by myself got It to stop.

However those scream sessions were recorded and played back from my mouth to be excited by an area known as aloud.

Little  did I know that an area was being written for allowing things as long as I was loud.
the allowed and the aloud got mixed because the Idiots who worked on my brain set these up for  dictation by hearing.
supposedly being able to hear my fears.

I also found some words that reminded me.
little did I know that the   program In my brain would make a copy of my mind.

They would allow me to Imitate people and the people all had the same line up of questions  the difference was they would ask these questions In their own style but the same set up was  forced every time. what was even funnier Is that If they didn't have a say so.. the authors of this thing In my head had ready made script for them to say. me being convinced everyone wanted to keep asking about my history.

Phrases like oh yeah my mother just saw that movie. and I that's what I thought  too!  were In there.

So I can say I'm an authority In knowing  you can burn calories  while thinking too hard.
ever do some calculations and get that placebo effect over  physics  when your brain kinda does a back flip  and you actually feel the feeling as your trying to concentrate on tax forms?
Its real.

No your not a dingy blonde nor are you slow or stupid.. Its an actual phenomenon. I am just reporting from a personal experience stand point as far as what happens when that grey mater starts to pulse and push around.. well I can only surmise that  with people without a symbiont.. you managed to flood parts of your brain with blood and others not.


One of those doozies Is to listen to 2 competing radio stations and flow both of the conversations as If 4 people are In the same room  test your memory retention

Have one of the conversations be about emotions and have the other one about boring tech shit.. It will astound you over how your 2 halves will talk to each other

try this.. My method Is to make up a simple conversation about feelings and adventure. and make up a conversation dealing with electronics or long winded Intellectual speech and  remember both of them before hand.. then test your self.

You probably think Its like cheating.
what will happen Is the start of a habit that depends on reliable data.
a new habit will be born.. your brain will pull  a sneaky move on you.. It will want more.
especially If you get used to that coffee
only when your  doing good..   Have you been good?  at what


when you know where your answer fit.

Feel sleepy yet?
you should.
I am wrong.
but con tinue In non Spanish please.

no.. still wrong answer.
Wake up!
slopey head
your gonna fall!
smartville Is like that.
There Is a trick to It HUN

Attila the HUN was a great warrior.  Well some thought so.
Feeling the  un swear? YAGHT.

Which the first few legs of the  journey you allowed the right answer to be memorized.

I want you alive a little less  now that your answer Is behind you.
 turn around.

You will learn more about your self created long winded speech.. you can just download a chemistry example from Wikipedia for crying out loud.

Those video games you downloaded  for memory?

You need to apply those memories Into real life and practice.

Always start easy.. add more easy answers and build on them. as If your going back to the 1st grade. If you dont.. faulty reason could creep In and effect your focus.
better to know raw basic facts when going Into this.

Remember trying to push a square peg through a round hole?
What was the best thing you could expect? a stop sign. If you tried real hard.  but If you succeeded you carved the square somehow?  Ok so you went the traditional rout.
Dollys  ok. GI JOE? ok more like It?

The deal Is the word dull an deal working together.
Follow along
everyone handed out a word on a key chain In your brain carved out of a  peice of wood In the shape of the word long..
they did

Am I wrong?
NOPE  they just did.. you checked! I saw you!

 Remember get 2 stimuli to be competing at the same time  one has to be requiring  formation of rules and the other  creative and flowing
 I like  going Into a trance with a song Pump up the volume from Marrs

While I'm typing.
and  going through this crap.
Every word has meaning for every word I type.

Have you ever wondered about the volume of material there Is In a square area as apposed to a circle? well know that you just did.

why did I do that?

NOW  Dear reader,

 Ask me out loud..

"Why did YOU just do that?"

The answer happened just before you asked... I promise..

 Do you know why I know this? Because your a  pussy wussy ass wipe who wont just come out with your own version of what the answer really Is.. Even If you know  your wrong just a litle. to with can be mended and Improved.. nope you would rather me  show you the answer and teach you .

Feel Insulted?
Your supposed to.

Remember that feeling and make It come up whenever your doubting yourself.


My brain pulls It apart when I'm In this  zone with myself.. whats your excuse!

The difference Is your not confident  enough to say .  the answer
Dont lose Hope.
She gets lost just for attention

Its OK the answers will come faster  right  away I can guarantee It.

Now say what you think I meant.
Out loud.
Anything.. NOW!
Remember .. I love you.
Thats the closest  fact to the answer anyway.

Now decipher the sound of your words.. form all the kinds of words that phrase reminds you of. pretend you just Insulted a cripple amputee and say wow.. Id give my right arm for an Answer while he or she Is watching..
The answer has meaning.
The hidden trigger Is In the Innuendo. In the words you chose and how you said It.
also how you said It sad It
why was what  you said sad? why wasn't It? talk about It.
In depth.. record your answers.


Ill say Its the truth
Oh wait?

Come back to me when Its more believable.. I wont tell.
Well am I keeping a secret about your brain?


Am I keeping a secret about your mistake?

Why aren't you making mad faces at me for saying that? I just Insulted everything I ever went through even your brain to the point of being a bad teacher and your not mad?

I just went against one of my biggest rules.

A Lie Is a truth that hasn't been proven yet.

Lies are a form of disappointment not an untruth or non fact.
a lie Is a segment of Information that Is miss placed and the other person who  used those Information on you gave you the Impression some how that they wouldn't mess you up  after you went  hook line and sinker over the expected data.  your formation of words are based on anger and  lashing out at that misrepresentor.
You feel Betrayed.
Imagine how much more empowered you would feel If you were to educate that EVIL DOER Into knowing the correct answer  somehow..
Are they still a lyer? or just a week minded PUSSY.
Was the comfort they gave you or  told you worth the struggle?  Yeah I worded It that way. deliberately
making you think.

In my travels Ive been exposed to tons of line of In formations that lead to my brain being shocked In pain over the Insulance of how they sounded off the cuff.

Forcing me to find words and phrases that make sense but you will rarely and maybe some time never find them In our house holds.  Thes phrases made sense and no torture plus I was able to tell the voices off In ways they habitually didn't know how to  deal with.


I want you  alive  a little  less each day that  you piss me off.  this one throws them even more.
I want to legally kill you.
They don't know how to handle that one.. The kill you word excites the  trigger phrases but the legal part  gives them pause.. It shuts them up.
I was being brain washed to be a stand In for an executioner of a political appointee by the way.
I said no of course

Can ye tell?

I know I can.. NOW I CAN

Thanks to the power of just plain ole GUTS and GILE of sticking It to them!  Not letting them colorize me as an assassin or make me take the fall.
And to think I'm the only one I  Know In this group that wants to get rid of her balls  right?
Yeah I want to bea pussy..... Ironic?  maybe after this book  gets my rent paid Ill settle for the less than raw truth.

As  far as Lies go

Now was he or she correct?


 Correct them Internally. Formulate all the possible things they could have told you had they been  as you would say truth tellers, Had they just got the Information wrong somehow. I know Its hard.. your mad and they are grinning or even worse  they are cold bold faced and convinced.

Make them the more  diplomatic slime balls you can think of..

 Remember Bill Clinton?  He spent a long time   Challenging a lot of Important people.. and successfully over the meaning of the word sex.
Sure they caught him In  a lie.  They didn't catch him In a falsity
Bold faced fact.

A pile of lawyers and hubity bubs that would have made the San hedrin look jealous just got their butts handed to them on their own terms.

Now If you knew the answer then say It.. any IT!

Your psyche profile told me your standing In a line up being  singled out by a rich person who  just came from a corporate merger.
YES I robbed him!  of  his DIGNITY  and heres HOW!  Thats how you should handle that one.

Well CEO!  let me know your secret.

Drink another swig of coffee and laugh deliberately..

 If not your the biggest  form of what ever Insults you said to your self right now.

I already Know what your not wanting me to know.. that thought RIGHT THERE WILL sink your Enemies ship If you just explore It.

Now that  THATS out of the way?

Count random numbers

Even odd single digits hundreds bak and fourth.. while painting a picture In your mind.
do It.

Again and again till It confuses your  brain.. the parts of your brain are wanting more and more of each other now.

Excuse me I have to go write to my business contact about a  robotics project Im  heading up
Be right back.

Weight on your mind?

You waited.
Right.. now whats left

Scare the living pants out of yourself with something right now over the weight thing as an answer  .
Also the reason for your waiting just cost you a job.
fel the fear yet?
 now do you?

The answer Is..
ask It.
Why am I saying all this

Your so witty you figure It out.. write down a pile of number  eights.

They mean something In  formulas It means Infinity.

I'm wit the truth and the correct answer..

Know  WIT to do Is make me out to be a  diplomatic genius with words now.. In your mind.
emulate me later  sweetness.  See Witt I mean? see wait on your chest? nope.

Try this exercise make a pattern for your brain to follow In seconds for the right answer and a wrong answer to be slowly said out loud and again and again  then slow It down some more.

Now say the same answers a little faster than normal.. say It with your   Mental breath too. ans as you say the answer the mental breath  will follow you.
this shortened time will become easier to feel  so when you  ask any why question the answer should have been their just In the split second you asked.. In the long run.. meaning In the long version of your asking why.. your  really asking for confirmation over what you already suspected or knew.
 faith In your answer to be corrected a little bit after you stumble Is normal and needed here.

The next time someone asks you what? You say that's what.. and mean WIT under your breath.. your brain will thank you.. with the expectant need to perform under such stress It will deliver you a genius as If from no where answer.
the next time you all your self  smart.. think the words see me write .
sing It along with the words smart

"See me write."
under your mental breath

Ahh that mental breath.
I use It all the time.

Say breath. now hear your memory of you saying breath
Its that easy.

The next time you say smart.. say,

" See me write with that mental breath. "

Because your the smarty pants who knows all the better ways I could have  handled you right?

Drink your Coffee champion@!

Later I want you to go get a glass of water and put a pinch of salt In It. right before bed.
KAY?  the word Kay Is so much more satisfying than saying OH  Kay.
Oh Kay Is a way to surrender the answer or coddle yourself Into  being soft mentally.

Memory retention.
A little does the job. not too much just about  1 8th of a teaspoon.

but wait there's more!

Apparently apparently apparently a folder that brought you this folder claimed this bastard child because It wasn't even me.

NOPE ILL teach this  single parent to watch after Its child.

I will train this folder Into taking on questions like I  had to.. Ill make It feel guilty for allowing Its  contents from being so overtly misleading.

Im your mental Breath talking to you.
ask why I said all that.

Melissa Adrain Bonet

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