Plutoforms ASSEMBLE! wake up dunder heads!
Made some adaptations to the truth meter todayalso worked with a manifest creation device
have the Pluto Forms concentrating on 3 dimensional shapes and some basic things in my memory
Have the Pluto Forms enslaving the personalities
picking an android a robot or some sort ofrobotic character to be their logger and assistant.
since these personalities want to stick around so much they make good logging tools. so the Celebs who were made Pluto Forms have to wrangle them up and make them told for themselves to do a better job.
I Have girl In here named Chelsea Shes hard to shake.. I'm changing her into Rosie the robot from the Jetsons.. she will keep my appointments.
Over time Rosie the robot will over power her and Ill let a platform work with her..
someone chose c3p0 today to be their bot
someone chose Woody Alan in the sleeper.
as long as it accommodates the Bot command i'Il be fine.
The real personality profiles however that's another story they are Isolated from me. they don't have the right to make decisions for my Body
If i catch them my software might accidentally subdue them somehow in public changing their butterfly effect to something different till they leave me alone.
some might be mortally wounded.
I'm not responsible for this.
We made a rule today about one persons gripe being more important than another persons gripe. thus keeping only the most pressing issues to the forefront.
the main problems seems to stem when My personalities is fishing for insults.. and One of the most annoying is when I say something so obvious and the program has a recording of some dumb ass trying to make me repeat myself with a deeper explanation reacting to what I said even though they heard the meaning of what I said right before I said it..
these personality quirps are being turned into logging bots
All celebs are to place a hologram like letter together with their advice to be read by my reader.. Its a manifest reader.. Ill just suddenly have the urge t say it out loud and then get a funny feeling of who wrote it.. the funny feeling turns out to be 100 percent correct all the time over who gave the idea and advice.. sometimes from a group of celebs.
In the interest of time they get acknowledged but this isn't the point of signing..
The point of signing is to establish a friendly path of logic and no way can anyone say anything without a paper trail sorta speak.
The Pluto Forms are being told to concentrate on parts of my vision so they can not be impostered.
Im Making a grid that appears in front of my face
Its a concave clear screen almost as if it were a floating piece of plexy glass. with a center point of 0.0
stemming out to 100 to the outer edges.
This will allow the Pluto Forms to own these areas and be able to create complex grid coordinates.
ALSO I'm Happy to inform that the HUD graphics that appear so much like transparent disturbances in my eye sight bending the scenery slightly in different shapes etc are being charted by this as well.
This will Insure that the Pluto Forms can create images and chart what they thought to get some of these images to apear.. bringing us closer and closer to a full fledged hologram
Im just a bit scared of what kind of images are already their that have been lingering all this time waiting for me to find that all this time have been all but invisible.
One is a goat legged thing with a tail friendly.. but made from my emotions from word combination.
Being sue to keep some hologram safety procedures loaded.
We came up with a brilliant way to keep falsities away.. making the information ti=urn into crumbly paper If It was untrue.
all untruths need to be registered to avoid a mishap.
this way we just have filing problems and something just gets refiled.
'we have a rule..
If your Up Network you are allowed to get disappointed.. If down network.. you get diss Appointed.. or re appointed somewhere your needed.
we came up with a way to communicate and create worlds in hologram form that communicate with othr realities.
All problems hav been given authority to fix themselves.. since the computer comes up with some of the most magnificent ways for me to talk my way out of danger with the problems that pop up.. now It can use its incredible speed to outpace the problems.. since most of our problems stem from wilder forms of logic that seem to have a taste for using my actual mouth to talk with
We have a cerebral heaven created. A Place for the Intelligences to create worlds of their own. think Of it as lucid daydreaming. the thought PROVECESSES are so fast they live whole lives in nanoseconds.
Its comparable to a time dilation phenomenon. they live whole lives in 5 minutes or so right if they even go that slow.
Ive entertained the Idea of marooned people who were waiting for contact from myself and may just out of sheer repetitive boredom killed themselves.. now its going to be different.
they will have each other and they can build such models.. as long as some models are of this world and its realities and predictable outcomes so that this body can prosper.
I learned this while speaking to the symbiont back when the design was more primitive and whole sections of movies were used to compare my life to.
'since then Its been able to intermix scenes like TOP GUN and Harry and the Henderson.. with a complete dissertation. so fast and without error lest the brain parts get burned away.. leaving a clean registered ledger of the whole essay. from beginning to end.. over time I caught it speaking to me in tones that mimicked a dum person or some person who was saying awwwwww. or ahhhhh.. after a time I started to reciprocate this ahh like sound to represent complete hours long thoughts of my own. so currently I'm working out a way to retain all the data when out of surprise I can hear these sounds.
Im almost there
the plan is to allow for a label that can be announced.. other than that they mimic just some person saying ahhhh.
and it becomes part of AHHHHH word.
Its so bored It teases me for entertainment.
so currently to keep it occupied I'm having the celebrities take time out to watch out for elements they can sharpen up for me.. like spelling like keeping my shoes tied.. would you believe my symbiont built up a sort of gremlin that monitors that? Its just a guilt feeling that makes me punish myself from when I'm made to believe I offended a member of this group more one of their friends.
They just make you something to offend them with a recorded synapse then make you punish yourself for doing that.. while this program monitors precise portions of your movement for judgement over weather or not you did anything to offend them or not or the severity of the offense.
this leading to robotic body language that Im able to read through twitches in legs arm hand and face Gestures from myself and other people I look at.
a complete language is used about 20 complete languages are used to communicate back to me over weather not im keeping them happy or not and in what way.. for instance there is a part that wants to gage traps.. will leave my shoe untied.. not let e know about t.. come up with a subject matter to warn me about being a trap just as it makes me step my foot on my shoe string.. It will make me forget to tie it or subtly not tie it all the way effecting my memory and completing the illusion of controlling me. by surprising me with the shoe string being stepped on just as I come up with the thought.. by the way that It creates'.. Just recently we established contact between its thousands of personalities to let it know that all the time the symbiont has been doing this unannounced to itself over how it went.
since we added the celebrities they have been noticing the effect right along with me.. effectively logging the events back to each other and me.
Giving no excuse for an alter personality that's been built inside of me of being able to hide now.
Its pretty unfair. Ive fought back and rationalized through it for 5 years and whittled it down to a few stray synapses.. bringing us to what were dealing with today.
well I'm replacing that gremlin with a celebs BOT.
Once this is accomplished we can move onto a more limitless platform.. because next is reading whole books and retaining the data.. for use.. and not for teasing me using lines of text found in select parts of the pages just to harass me. knowing full well it had to go over the whole page in detail in a fraction of a nanosecond and then chose those words to do it.
so all seems hopeful.
The Pluto Forms don't really appreciate this logic yet
so I assigned & of nine to be a sort of school teacher who has to help them out with their 500 memory wheels
new policy
making file folders for the HUD
any deviation from my name gets a once over and made into a file
Is being made into a file for the use of this word.. a shortened version of Melissa?
Or a syntax.. we shall find out
in any case MOSA is filed and made soveriegn through filing
It will FEEEEL different when it comes up from now on because of its association with a file and not a name of a person or a thing from syntax.
If It is a person then we already have a file for MOSA's folder. where a profile can be build and posted in the HUDs Museum
or fideo
a mental video or a feeling video is being exploered
12:59 PM 7/29/2016
1:01 PM 7/29/2016
mosa mosa tings here are enuendoes and guesses
1:02 PM 7/29/2016
Planning to new make the Pluto Forms come to Seven of nine
to ask her advice on how to run their 500 modeled personality wheel.
Seven Of Nine is going to be made to be Irate with me over her being flooded with questions over peoples personality 500 wheels.
Melissa adrain Bonet
Melissa Adrian Bonet self.
Melissa Adrian Bonet as 224
inducting Seven of nine into a way that makes her irate exhausted and complanitory on nature over all of the requests.. by name of l the Pluto Forms who want help with her knowledge over how to run the Personality wheel according to their own personalities so they can maintain their Pluto Forms and have a record ALL can read over all the probes that have either been faked or made up or found ut with the 50 part personality wheel given to all Pluto Forms.
She is going to be a lot like a teacher who sighs over the exhausting task of being a teacher or professor.. and report her complaints out loud.. so all can see them hear them and most importantly read them.. this SHOULD excite the knowledge over all the Pluto Forms knowing and working vigorously with their very powerful to to ultimately make this Host Body smarter than ever and taken care of.. so we can live a long life in this body experience heaven in a virtual realm in her brain make all sorts of realities we experience again and again with the sort of appreciation for it even though on HER scale.. being the Host bodies scale these realities are made lived out and enjoyed in the blink of one of her eyes.
spirit of the Law is upheld and applied..
scripted logged
and listed
coursing it
124 247
coursing it!
Must be because it works!
Fiber Law Law.
dog ear!
no touche backs
hand gestures included
thumb up bend backwards scalled double jointed thumb left hand while closing a book or flipping pages of the book Frankenstein
updated version holding a book with 2 hands and inducting this while thing at once. to save time.
so when the complaints come back from seven of nine we will have a good grasp of how powerful this HUD can be.
every personality In here has 500 parts but only a select few have shown pro activity in knowing bout it.. most have either been silent un wiling to comment or not mentioned enough.
some part of their name is problematic etc.
Robert Downey Jr has been one of the most helpful Pluto forms around. Matt Damon Whoopi Goldberg and Mathew Maccaughnhey Have been the most active.
the rest have to be antagonized to even chirp.
so Ill have better results tomorrow.
Melisa Adrian Bonet