Downloading questionable content
Tonight I downloaded a lot of videos that didnt comply to my community standaardsOf course My brain is punnishing me for it.
Its burning yes.
The other night just for spite I downloadd a couple videos that have anime in them. actually I Have proof you made me). the cartoons were obviously meant to catch me in a sting for questionable content.. come get me FBI
I transferred them to audio and shred the videos.. but Im sure your friends at best buy or staples will try your best to compensate for.. anyway (when the day comes).. Im exersizing my right to a quashing of any charges from any Judge. because Im fully admitting to a so called crime. downloading things that have what apear to be kids on the video but in fact are anime.. but hey.. I dont want the anime.. I want the hypnosis to remove your asshole cops and their recordings in my brain not to mention YOUR connection to organized Crime to get it all done.
I figured I would save my self the trouble of the 400 dollars to hire a prossecution attorney to cooperate with a judge to help quash the charges for downloading these.
the other one is for some kind of be girly video but im sure you have that (Become Girly is the Title.)
same line up on tell Steve Koronos to quit his whining in my ear. Rose my Ladder says HI by the way Steve. Tell Alberto Romono I owe you your life.. Ill be having your lips on a necklace tho.
Your group wanted me to studder like you the start of my speach impediments.
I still give you credit tho Alberto You were the freindliest one of the group you paid me the most per capita.
rag buddy rage
Burn out all the nerve you want Ill still pull the plug on these guys if given the chance.
Tell everyone what you did to me Guys.
Melissa Adrian Bonet
Melisa Adrian Bonet