Letter to prospective Clients
Munley Law and associates
This is a letter directed to you to start the process of sponsorship of the project known as The After Burner project.
In this document you will find all the related details needed to know about my plan to traverse the Karmen sphere
1The Afterburner Project for the Homeless
"Where gravity is beginning to be at its very weakest around our earth".
With an unmanned craft built with technology meant to utilize the magnetic zone around the planet to not only power its systems but navigate to any part of the globe eventually.
My goals on the ground however, for this project are to instill pride in our citizenry and more profoundly its talented homeless.
By allowing them to work with their talents and their support for the project in a carried amount of responsibilities , we can create an industry from this and win contracts in the fiber glass rendering and molding fields. Giving them a hope for an employed future.
Also allow consumer based research and exploration to occur , We can expand our understanding of the universe and reach out into space as civilians.
Opening up a whole new field of space exploration by the common individual and giving the talented homeless or Displaced Citizens " as i would prefer to call them, a fighting chance to afford a way to get out of the jam they are in.!
The Afterburner Project is apply named after the ZZ Top album cover depicting a flying version of the "Eliminator".
A car showcased in much of their videos. the mix of cultural mystique and functional design of the space shuttle are the key factors of the success of this vehicle.
Inspiration of design
Afterburner as i would like to call her
or Rough Boy as named by ZZ topp
Entire craft module orbiter on launch pad and attached to orbital craft booster.
1The Afterburner Project for the Homeless
Orbiter / lander alone
Every once in a while I'm browsing through YouTube and finding these videos of people who are trying to get weather balloons in the air as high as they can and track their progress.
I see they try and try to get it as high as they can.. sending cameras to record the footage. The afterburner project will take this same spirit and soar through the Ionosphere and traverse the earth entirely
This helped inspire a balloon Idea that would outlast theirs and eventually find its way into the vacuum of space. One idea let to another and eventually led to this one. A craft that indeed can be manufactured by people and sent into orbit. also opening the door to races in the upper Magnetosphere These craft would be robust and light weight and be built tough enough to handle the harsh climate of space.
eventually This foundation will branch out into Lunar exploration and help in the collection of space junk with a specialized craft that eats particles floating around in that zone. This project currently is Funded by "Art by Melissa" and her parent company intends to leave her mark on the moon in the form of a mile wide signature. Imagine.. having your logo on the moon.. "I can do that mural too she says".
"I also intend to list all of the firms who were willing to help the homeless through this effort.."
This project will indeed place a good name on displaced homeless with specific talents.
This will Feed so many people and put people back to work in jobs they can excel at and love.
Also giving them a place to live.
She Also says and encourages everyone to seek out and promote to any other firm and or groups companies businesses corporations and grant resources that might be reluctant to help out in this effort.
I ask that you The people encourage, convince and persuade other firms and or enterprises to see this situation our way.
I also intend to publish a list of the willing participants and other firms and what parts of our foundation they were wiling to sponsor and those not.
Those left over firms will then be even more elated as they see their public image soar. I'm confident they will eventually come around.
I'm going to make special notation to those groups that are not on the list especially . Any of them found in the local phone book will be approached and encouraged to change their minds and or Join this effort in one way or another. One cannot turn a blind eye to this.. some of the donation packages.. the average citizen can donate.
Someones kids someones father someones mother someones sister , brother aunt and uncle will thank them.
When im financially capable I will donate a portion of the proceeds to neural plasticity research for these people with mental reasoning disorders that may have been a contributor to their homeless state.
Melissa Bonet
Ive made a resolution to make a bold promise. To achieve zero gravity In an un manned vehicle built by people who are desperately in need of a home while earning advertising revenue.
To allow for routine missions into space by amateurs everywhere and help serve our countries defenses. Establish an industry standard among this class of vehicle.
Re-sell the model to competitors to try and sell the model mostly dealing with people in need. Launch the craft.. traverse the zero gravity atmosphere and return to earth safely. On the way to that goal numerous small test flights must be committed.
A specialized internal controller is to be experimented on to insure maneuverability in attitude control Attitude being the crafts manner in 3 defined senses of moment in place Roll Pitch and Yaw.
Roll : the act of moving in a clock wise fashion as to be facing a clock the ship moves in either direction clock wise or counter clockwise in respect of facing the clock and your arms being the wings.. flying like an airplane would be the best way to demonstrate roll.
Pitch: Pitch is created when your airplane is positioned to face up or down since there is no up or down in space the term pitch is needed to describe the Attitude of the inclined posture.
Yaw Yaw is if you were a helicopter rotor spinning around or you can picture a garden gate swinging side to side to which i like to think of YAW as being the sound a garden gate makes.
All 3 of these attitude adjustment controls are being created from electromagnetic parts pulses coming from parts of the skin combined with an inertia creator and dampener .
Heating the vehicle is a priority as the temperature is very low. The warmest to be expected 55 below zero. Parts will become brittle and not function and some parts will excel in performance in such a dry and cold environment.
suggestions to be experimented on are ways to collect energy from the sun via solar collectors both in the skin and in the energy creation from a technique called a jewel thief.
Another form of heat is through controlled electromagnetic flux passing through a copper rod.the electromagnetic field coming from the earths atmosphere. in combination with static electricity collectors
a tether experiment tried by NASA to gather electricity
A third is to be created by a perpetual motion magnetic engine.
using zero gravity and a combination of magnets on a wheel with an apposing smaller wheel overwhelming the cogging point with well timed electro magnetic bursts at the end of the cogging cycle fooling the revolution to start all over again one can easily create perpetual energy from a generator of this type.
The first Type of craft will be a model that will be approximately the size of a kitchen table
At least 7 of these miniature Tryout missions will be used to explore these technologies and the upper atmosphere for aerodynamic functionality condensation resistance and collection, emergency parachute deployment.Magnetic instruments for analog global positioning.systems to ready a large prototype to be launched in the summer of 2015
The large one will be almost the size of a compact car but due to necessary helium to body ratio requirements the large one may just as well be as large as the model in the video.
Such a mission could be the prelude to a manned flight to another continent as mentioned earlier in this report.This mission will be one that is capable of traveling around the globe easily.
Space Junk?
The Missions each will require an external tank. this part of the craft is deceptive in nature as it merely is a huge balloon encased in a ridged shell .. made for pressure release fuel in flight and ability to reach high altitudes. Unlike the car portion of the craft this part of the model is mostly gas.Some on board components will be stored here as well but merely for support in the missions need for strategic gas escape in the use for attitude adjustment and velocity boost when finally in space. Unlike the traditional idea of sequential booster rockets and external tank or "ET" for short, The combined effort here is to allow for gradual speed and maneuvering once it gets into zero G nose. The Solid Booster rockets will not fire until upper stratosphere is achieved or jet engines run out of oxygen or fuel whichever comes first.
A shell facade will be built around the booster rockets to allow for more aesthetic quality to stay true to the traditional space shuttle design but merely house a lot more helium allowing for the booster rockets to account for their own weight.
The idea here is to get to maximum lift in altitude right before the rockets kick in. sending the craft the rest of the way and achieving orbital velocity.
Unlike the traditional models of the space shuttle missions the tanks remain with the craft to give an added boost into altitude controls and velocity by gas standards alone.
Later in the mission the ET will be jettisoned but not before being docked just behind the car area to be used up for extra attitude control and solar collection capability
Eventually the ET will be Jettisoned and allowed to maintain orbit hopefully a Geo synchronous orbit and be eventually coupled up with neighboring ET's eventually producing an energy farm in space. or a floating docking station. Uses of this energy farm can vary from things like a electricity refueling station for future craft or be a beacon of light as is a landmark for space travelers. advertising revenue to be considered as these energy collectors need an outlet to expel excessive electricity. Offering a unique way of occupying the sky with weather bulletins and traffic reports
who would be looking right? well eventually this will be a grid of ET's in an almost light bright grid.
Hardware is its computer
Much like the Apollo Missions the hardware computer model is key in surviving the temperatures of space. As most of Afterburners Gear is analog, the meters and automation needed , need to be reliable under stressful conditions and not have the frailties of a digital computer are necessary.
Preprogramming in a way, a system that will kick in under conditions and timing.. using the sun, the moon, and north to south poles as its guide posts. Filled with redundancies, the on board computers are simplistic in design basic electronics will be used.
Along with some primitive gear to allow for Electro Magnetic reactions being its sails and oars,.. After burner will have some primitive exmerimental gear aboard to insure its stability and control.
For example, Inertia and G forces created by a simple out of control spin of the craft will be enough to tell Her to stabilize immediately .. easily. By employing a Inertial dampener device ive invented for the project.
This is usefull in correcting the ships attitude or position in space. Afterburners instruments will have to survive the very low pressures and vacuum of space first. All Bladder like Balloons will be constructed to give with the low pressure and yet not burst. Allowing for a ready access to gas release for space acrobatics needed for different stages of the journey.
A special heating system is in place to insure the bladder doesn't freeze and become brittle.
One of these experimental models is a helium neon mix of gas in the bladder when electrodes at the ends are ignited the helium neon gas glows like a light bub creating an internal heat source.
Aerial Altimeters were being considered however they would not survive the vacuum of space.They would just bust. So, these bladders can be also used as an altimeter. By having one small bladder filled with simple air it will expand as expected in proportion to the altitude and as the air becomes more wide spread molecular-ally, so will the air inside the balloon bladder. up unto a certain point, Indicating a mark preset for altitude. A belt like device wrapped into the fabric controls a derailleur cable operating a altimeter device. much like an old fashioned gas gauge on your car.
The main bladders the ET tank the booster rocket bladders and the internal bladder of the actual astro car ("Afterburners main body" will have its own bladder actuator which will be responsible for some of the energy needed to shove some parts into action and prepare the craft for the rest of the journey. Some parts are meant for heat retention as One of the experimental models includes an incandescent light bulb effect creating a thermal induction chamber from the bladder as mentioned above in the helium neon mix experiment.
These are just a few of the things im interested in in finding energy and heat of any source..
A copper bar of various gauges will be used as well to ascertain how thick or thin a power source and heating element it can be when wanded through the magnetic sphere The IONOSPHERE. Assuming the Ionosphere at that altitude is that powerful at those lower zero gravity altitudes,This should prove to be a reliable power source for the craft to heat itself and provide power to the the peripherals needed in propulsion and navigation.
All electronics that are needed that wont survive the zero pressure environment, will be kept in a spacial canister or modified oxygen tank to allow interactivity with the rest of the crafts systems..
There may be some instances where a strategic maneuver will be needed to charge up batteries in a technique known as a Joule thief where the hot side of a craft facing the sun will be contrasted with the cold temperatures of deep freeze causing an electric reaction. Enabling parts of the ship to remain at full power and assisting experimental ion drives for impulse power to stay in orbit.
Rescue operations for Cosmonauts
These smaller to larger craft can be used to help survive re entry and guide a soldier and or cosmonaut lost on a space walk perhaps. A way down or a way to maneuver into range of the space station where his or her self can be retrieved Considering its very dependable solid state equipment on board one can summarize this craft can even, with the right programming, be set free to seek out cosmonauts in orbit and find them home safely.
I'm confident that one of these units can be piloted by a personnel to find their way around the globe. Perhaps create oxygen from its on board batteries if their are any at all and at least find warmth inside an ET meant for collecting electricity will help keep a soldier warm just by holding on to it. Because of its low earth orbit the likely hood of getting a full on re entry burn are lessened. Its ability to slow itself down also aids this effort..
Heat Shields
A modified version of the heat shields tile structure on the space shuttle will be attempted.. by whipping up a form of heat resistant cultured stone and shielded with other elements to preserve its flexibility in cold and hot climates.
The structure of the heat shielding is not ridged.. but can be made to be articulated to ad aerodynamics to a craft that needs to slow down or effect attitude in free fall or re entry from a flight.
In this next illustration is a depiction of the underside of the vehicle overlapping armored platting needed to shield from high temperatures from re entry .
Housing electro magnetic polarity devices inside them, They repel and attract the planets poles strategically causing an instant attitude change.
When performed in the correct sequence, provide propulsion.
Like a fish traveling through water.
I hope you can revue this Document and recommend to this group what we can do next to advance its popularity and its success.
Revisions of this document are forthcoming. as i add more ideas in how to improve my strategies
I have been holding off at posting this before i could be satisfied at its viability I have a small kitchen table sized model i want to demonstrate for would be contributors to demonstrate its capability to auto correct and traverse using a spacial rigging this model isn't complete yet and im stranded currently at a friends house whose moving in a couple days so i figured i would get this out to you in public form and let everyone know about my plans for this project and my strategies.
Anything you could do to help or donate or even hire me for another art project would be greatly appreciated.
keep in mind im currently investing my own capitol to make it work.
I'm confident that once you see for your own eyes what limited recources and money and time i had to put into this have created, that with the proper funding and work force supplies and equipment can create so much more..
this can be a very lucrative enterprise.
please feel free to search out the groups history by scrolling down and read up on the various technologies we can exploit to make this work
Your artistic neighbor,
Melissa Bonethref=https://www.facebook.com/groups/AfterburnerFunding/


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