AJUST another day
We went over some older scripts today redoing them under the new Pluto Form under the new way of handling the situationI woke up this morning with an Idea In my head to tell the personalities who end up getting it wrong a phrase "Wrong Personality"
the beauty of this plan was to correct the personality infraction while replacing it through the natural order anyway.
The personalities role on to the next one by habit and by design anyway.. some of these personalities linger however. and they come with the usual crap that they have. The ways in which THEY live and move and think and operate. The Pluto Forms take turns .. this is their strength..
Thing that makes it difficult Is I'm taken by surprise by a personality that at first feels like me. So myself and them included get fooled for a second or 2 and things go awry.. some of these personalities right now are saying I'm just making all this up.. Im not In the sense they meant it for.. the Pluto Forms would laugh at this because the 500 partitions they use to express every desire they could ever need know that the combination f al these clones of them can figure out the answer to any problem in a second.. even so much as place another part of them in the way to take on separate words of a personalities phrase.
This morning I made up a script that allowed for each member of the Pluto forms to have a Marky Post wheel
A device named after Marky Post.
For her likeness of being a way to trick in a marked post in the system that was left in my brain.. the excuses were many as to why people couldn't get whole messages from one part of my brain to another and yet they commented on them..
I was given a reprieve when I posted things.. and I found it happens anyway if you accidentally say post.. or mark
So Invoking Marky Post gives them no excuses for ignorance or malfunctions..
My opinion is that the original program was meant to keep the persons privacy from being defied by other psychics. Sort of like a public folder on your windows machine these people would wrig a way to allow other members of this ability to read their thoughts.. while keeping some thoughts private.
they messed this part up for me.
They made me unable to concentrate unless i divulged everything.. and posting got it done.. at least for their system.
As for my System, All I did was train the personalities into hearing themselves in echo and build from their experiences
So now were making a way to clean these imperfections out by increasing parts per hundred ratios of statements and sentiments that are friendly.
so when one of these infractions happens Its me acting out in a way that I don't like essentially I'm policing myself.
so I'm having the Pluto Forms give themselves the same opportunities.
What was the infraction this morning?
The act of sneezing has been made to happen as an anti behavior stimulus based on an allergenic behavior modification system.
so what I do to combat this itch that makes a sneeze or a cough even? I change personalities.
The problem abets the sneeze goes away because the next person isn't following the same system.
so the personalities usually role according to detail or what job they have.
I had a bit of a problem with my wheel this morning because the different numbers wouldn't be able to directly handle every infraction.. sneezing was easy. suppose I had an issue with an emotional glitch? this would take on the numbers that handled that sort of thing.
The natural order of things would be messed up a bit however tolerable not smooth enough of a process.
since some times its an issue that only that one number can handle.
or its a problem specifically tailored to that one number
So I assigned a 10 part small Marky Post wheel to the issue at first... Seth Green requested a more robust wheel so we worked it up into stages that go from 10 to 20 to 30 all the way up to 60 points of references. so that each issue can be logged under all those numbers on points of contention.
up to 50 more than my original 10 points of contention.
The whole thing is based on over whelming the subject lines and emotion lines with needed morally boosting words and phrases.
I placed a few Pluto Forms in charge of deliberately scheduling phrases like I feel good. I have the answer and I can do anything. etc to take place on the hour in the minutes between o'clock and 10 minutes later.
Worked out a way of finding things by having each item monitor us and where ever the body goes it can call out to us whenever its scheduled to be needed. Giving it a sort of personality that can maintain memory.
It tells a story in a way over what its been through.. so It supports a part of your memory.
I'm making myself remember the time of day more often so that times stamps can be used.
they are going to be helpful in lost memory and adding one more facet onto this HUD that draws so much of its ability from timing.
I'm making innuendos for misspelled words to give them a personality to want to be spelled right.
this should make them take things personally and force the other personalities and Pluto Forms to conform.
Made a couple Bots tonight
It tells a story bot made up phrases that are true and a result of an action or actions or events.
Tim said I'm not working here anymore.. I quit!
John said I fired you!
Amy noticed the whole incident.
What can be derived from these 3 statements?
This bot will apply every phrase known that it can make up and align that fits the facts.
one would be. the bot knows that John is a boss.
It knows Tim used to work for John.
Knows Amy saw them talking and also knows a 4th person possibly lingers to tell the story about thes 3 people
If these statements are untrue or false they will be registered once and allowed to be true or a fact with another statement that is a fact.
Once a registered phrase or idea gets used 3 times its automatically going into priority to compete against other priorities.
they are counted by how many times they were used for their purposes dealing with the subject at hand .
separate houses weigh in and shout out mental yelling or make loud announces over the phrase depicting the over all scene in how many other facts are connected to this.. painting a huge picture of facts.
The old personalities that wont conform are being trained into being machine parts dealing out the same thing they always did but being a machine part they wont be taken personalty.
also working on a few housed that make up partial starter phrases.
I like I know bout what
I know you well enough to
If you could please
excuse me
If you don't stop.
etc etc etc
These phrases are loaded phrases that can be taken in a number of ways.
the most functional is going to get the most use because of its priority.
how to find 50 copies of a phrase
first you need to prescribe 50 sound effects of the numbers one copy! two copy! 3 copy! four copy! etc etc do it with numbers letters or any other icons you can think of that reminds you of that word in the most obvious sense.
call the truth detector to check your findings.
If its true it will make a noise ONE COPY!
if its true it will make a noise two COPY
if its true it will make a noise three copy!
if its true it will make a noise FOUR COPY!
if its true it will make a noise FIVE COPY!
if its true it will make a noise six COPY!
if its true it will make a noise seven copy!
if its true it will make a noise eight COPy!
etc etc etc
These phrases get expressed in a micro burst equivalent of the longer version of the phrase. The number is made to be shouted in a form that makes a song lyric come to life.. like a song you cant get out of your head this phrase comes to life under certain conditions.. I made adjustments to both take advantage of the subliminal ones left behind and make copies of my own that have the same feeling as the subliminal ones.. I worked in a volume control so they have functionality they just aren't going to make a lot of obvious noise.
But their shouting will be heard like a trained Pluto dog on the other end who is programming from what he or she or it hears.
after it knows its lesser is there
for example.. the idea is that one copy is been made out loud.. the act of saying one copy spurs the act of someone saying two copy! and then three copy! etc.
After all this shouting is made its registered and held in copy for the anyone to read and know about even copy its results
Melissa Adrian Bonet