The Most Advantageous Mistake
Had a meeting today with 3 plutoforms and a personality fife of using around table discussion.the Pluto forms are a circular thinking of parts like spokes on a wheel they offer the best parts of themselves for the subject at hand.
When a personality sits at that table the first thing they think is.. why isn't anyone at the head of the table? or that must be the leader at the head of the table the host body is the table the room the Chinnook helicopter we just moved into.
Thanks to Melissa amazing plan of .. well we will gt into that talk later.. shes afraid of coming too close to Louis denaples plan to protect some sort of castle and Mrs Amendolas version of Guenevere etc all playing part in this ww3 like cult.
rule the first thought out of the stables is the thought.
The motivation after been given some time to refine then dedicate itself to the conversation for the most good.
The major ability that makes the Pluto Forms work so well is the design. they all have 500 preprogrammed versions of themselves that can tak on any problem and ass on to the next number should any of their numbers be compromised in a caticlizm of logic or bad words or sabotage from each other
It was experimented with each Pluto forms wheel last night and this morning when the word July Newmar was used in the effect of knowing more..
My suspicions of an actual Julie being an agent are being logged and have their ears on to make up a story to where she is one. there for should there ever be a sort of JULIE who is a spy or insurgent the results will be there to great reality and confirm any suspicions i might have or make up or keep for fun as a fiction resource in use on my story telling in movie writing talents etc.
Let me tell you a story about me and making movies. I wanted to make a sci fi movie with my stop motion camera when i was 14 i had a very low budget , it never really got off the ground. The movie was about your average male protagonist hero with a gallivantish name Marcus Dread the movie needed a name so i called it the Galastian War.
As im satisfying an experiment right now showing the Pluto Forms a trick they can use to insure a reality in which I want by giving them the powers to time in a subject matter for my brain to lead into.. utilize timing and planning and work these ideas into the schedule.. with checkers to make sure the schedule as according to shifted priority will allow and at very minimum allow for a dictated report on what they had planned should situations had changed and they can re em-bolster the group with confidence over this technique.
I made this plan at 742 pm Tuesday 8 16 2016
Allowed for a copy of myself to be waiting with the word.. Galastian War to demonstrate on just how my brain would first blend what I had to talk or think about and then work my way into the subject.. numerous bad things have been made this same way to be sprung on me at select times and times perfectly I'm teaching the Pluto Forms to Obey the law of comfort No Plans that Lead into Misery.
the bad version will always be there.. that's common logic Its up to the good people to know this and make plans around it and not allow laws plans or ideas to give personalities over to simple facts of life.. shit happens.. its the Pluto Forms duty and job to say walk around the Shit. because we know when the shit is going to happen.. why? how? because we arrange for it and then educate on how to get around it. we go with the problem and allow it to guide us on all the acceptable losses we can muster and Gage it to happen with the least amount of disadvantage.
which leads int my next Law I made today "Choose The Most Advantageous Mistake."
As disadvantages are lessened down to the point of a charmed life one can easily cut down on the unexpected hazards of life.. just by owning them.
by the way the word Galastian war was mentioned at 752
We also established a cruelty meter so this most advantageous mistake doesn't stat of with me slitting my throat just to be able to sue so me people.
Confirmation folder being created 477
Going back to making a field of dreams folder
190 146
Build it and they will comment. 190 146 130 470 135
Build it and they will come.190146 130 470 143
Build it and they will commence.190 146 130 470 198 106
Build it and they will commit.190 146 130 124 198 106 470 299 116 101 107 106
Build it and they will cackle 190 146 130 470 436
Build it and they will conquer 190 146 130 470 240
Build it and they will critique 190 146 130 470 137
Queston113 intellect 195 case?156 categorize146 report421 subject 247 M.I.L.F 500 Pluto Form 410 seth green 456 excite 167
Melissa .Intelligent. Law . Fragment.
How 331
Why 388
When 254
Memory 010
What 087
The thought that made you say or think A thing that you can copy through mental logging and then use proactively
331 130 128 146 195
Hacks is a technique to discern the origin of Benefit or action religious does not deeal with hacks unless they have Hex in combination
Hicks the most unfavorable and least dependable form of action to follow.
Hoax a trick usually contains someelements of inteligence but not anything other than a trick usually implemented by other peoples bodies
Hex a religious trick this form of logic explaining and action or Benefit usually depicted from a godly or worship deity like approach.
These are the 4 corners of first contact profiling to be depicted as a 4 pronged hexagon
In the end the stemslook like a sort of protien molecule

This is the symbol to be made for enterpreting aproach of others thoughts and influence.
The 500 being named the M.I.L.F
Psychology about he way the hundreds are viewed the zeros sections like 001 is person the self
100 my person talking about myself or to myself about myself MEE
200 second person talking about me to me about them or to them MEE IS A FOOL WITHOUT CONTENT
300 3rd person talking about us SAYS BE NICE TO MEE
400 -500 4th person telling the story WITNESSED THE ABUSE OF MEE
Updating the EB113!: