Yeah I know Mind controlling a satelite around the globe
YEAH .........I KNOWOur kids knew ..
We knew
We scoffed at people who said it too much when we grew up.
We then stopped?
What happened?
Being a know it all in today's generation gets you where? now.. think this way.
You hve a brain device in your head that BURNS your cerebral surface right down to the core in certain spots for lying. you have to program it especially for lies to be considered OK if someone admits they are lies. and plus you have to build a sort of library for fiction. never to be believed but awwed at and tried until it might be true or at least philosophically is true.
We said it as kids as to fend off the doting mommy or daddy so they wouldn't bother us?
Did we really have the world figured out?
I'm going through a phase of brain burn right now and im competing with forces that want my destruction.. the way I just got relief?
Saying I know.
Does it take way the panic?
Does it imply there is a answer for the problem?
Yep and more
Claiming knowledge seems to force the brain to come up with an answer over what you DO know
Much of my reaction are from partner personalities making issues to train fr the defense of those issues . In this process they are being perceived as an enemy
As i steadily conquer my behavior modification and modification with this new technique im having to face facts that the perception is being screwed and the blame this time around has to be me.. or else the real bad guy wins
As the bad guy gets infiltrated and my copies nullify the attempts to hurt me eventually my copies win by making it choosable for my reasons.
We made considerable strides this morning listening to copied and played back problems as they felt un threatening because i signed for them
So my next round of problem killing efforts is just to answer every think with a confident and non shelant "I know".
i just bumped my hand to stop myself much like thousands of copies of bad guys before. and agreed this time it was me.. and it did take me by surprise.
This new I Know thing might prove beneficial to have a steady Log and a way to connect between harsh partition edges in personality shifts.
Now for another bout of..
Told you so!
Melissa Adrian Bonet
Now for a reason to go around the earth.. Because I THOUHT SO!
Building a brain control for the After Burner Satelite craft to guide it around the planet via my mind.
Im working out a way I can fly it with my brain watch it in real time.. as close to real time s it can get.. and make corse corections via remote control with my brain.
Im marketing this product to allow people to race their crafts around in space and go to the moon and come back.
Today I resolved it when I questioned about an IP camera at radio shack
I want to track the progress .