Training Robert Downey Jr HUD
Today we but headed a few celebrities Until they got the hints.we also made a few more numbers since last I updated
Ellen DeGeneres and Rosie O' Donnell are on the same ticket 355
Madonna Is on 356
Heady Is still on 307 as my logger
we updated to the censor of smell being orchestrated by 306
299 plans and 399 Is job acquisition.
We made an error and Included David Clark the dentist last night but It Is what It Is
Both David Clark and Jessica Clark are sharing the number (censored) for now
Jack black 309 tendentious D and Jack Black alone Is 413
Lewis black Is 455
322 Janet Jackson allowing for the JINN function to be monitored.
Jackay Is 227 for our jacking or hacking technique In the HUD
476 Howie Mandel and Sharon Osborne share the 476 number now
131 Whoopy Goldberg as the whip function In the HUD
House the Dr from the TV show house Is 195 Dr Neil Degrassi Tyson Is 395
Cuddy Is 128 or 228 depending on the situation her name Implies cutting from the script.
The Ball and Flower Method
We formulated a pathway of logic that follows a end result routine and we practice taking the best route by animating the HUD with a ball (a red ball) and a flower behind It.. the subtle gesture Is supposed to tell the choice follow after hearing the word able.
The Celebs are encouraged to Make a graphic depicting this and log It for later use for not only their own confidence but to train the parts f the brain that are responsible for Imagery to construct themselves
So the system places a ball and a flower Into the desired maze like path of logic Including a graphic that looks like a system of maze like hallways or high ways with a tunnel around you. You just link the pathway with the logic of were you want to go on a couple small models and work your way up to some larger ones pretty soon your thinking like a genius this worked like a charm Instantly for years for me. The personalities are so filled with expected sabotaging words like I cant believe It and explaining It to them though example from the perspective of their own life. What needs to happen is a routine must be practiced to withstand suggestion from a source that has a low level of authority
below is a sample of a Robert Downey Jr type Ouija system my brain uses.. My muscles will involuntarily flex and cause me to seek out the memory in these pictures depicting his actual opinion. everything his a memory and everything has a way of sound boarding back to you.. once i see his face i know the personality in my head much like a spirit would want the truth in speaking back and fourth so the accurate image is chosen when the mouse over reveals the comment in the picture. I'm on the right trail. I add some Harsh comments for realism and I have a guide.
well I tried to make the thing work on this page but the html isnt quite working for mouse over image comments to which was supposd to happen and enable me to see pop up comments from Robert. Ill try again another time.

I figure it out eventually working on an image map that does the same thing.
the slow way is just to make a web page for every comment that pops up over the images.
. Arriving at the best possible answer or solved quest.
what will happen Is the overt curiosity of the program will create other like models with concepts and words.
Jim Carey Is 477
Whoopie Goldberg also retains a number for her own Identity 470
essentially when these people want to talk they are required to make a 3d graphic above their forehead Indicating who talked and weighed In on any thought. This helps exercise their awareness of the graphical display.
I found that making a word a weapon makes It easier to follow Whoopy Goldberg will be responsible for signing out weapon like words
she Is the groups whip.
Essentially she can code and excites Ideas with already laid down tools that are predictable reminders and emotional tics that evoke a thought or a process. In combination with mapped numbers that both Inhibit chemistry In the brain and promote It.
We've managed to map serotonin morphine and dopamine In different parts In combinations with reminders and scenes from movies and concepts e can mold thought. Even so much as place a flow chart In front of us and In a few short minutes program a routine for a celebrity to follow and become a reliable part of this mental machine
Let make an example of a very simple designed program
we have practiced In here whats called the Thought Prethought Report Script.
This Is where you back track the thought you had before the current on your having and then report It out loud somehow till you can get the hang of It this Is necessary you go Into a mantra and then a trance doing this It Isn't long your remembering things easier
associate success with a feel good moment and It gets better.
this Is your dopamine
when you learn to spike It In small amounts you can effect programming code like like I can.
I Have to use this program when I need to wash away an unwanted personality
I do a thought prethought report. then I do a five lines ahead then think of an apple when I get to the apple 5 thoughts later I do a thought prethought report on what reminded me of those thoughts. I keep performing like this In a pre programed loop This Is what I'm attempting to teach Robert Downey Jr right now. hes catching on as long s he does this himself his signal will become clearer and clearer and eventually he will dominate the subject line In my brain. Hes encouraged by another program to Involuntarily burp out the word log It or
script It. In the program Is listening for this word so the results get saved
this scripting has been with the program since It was Imposed upon me so I know I can rely on Its use.
I freely Impose this upon myself In such an Involuntary manner there this almost controlled turrets syndrome speaks and thinks back to me with the facts and records of Robert Downey JR.
Eventually that persons face goes away and a new one or something else you want to use starts to take Its place In this case 'm Training Robert Downey Jr to replace another persons face with his own.
to which I train theme to guard their facts jealously I'm counting On Roberts penchant for being unstoppable at least his public persona seems to ooze this so naturally his clone has a similar stance on candooism
we have a running bet. The real Robert Downey Jr Is so out-maxed and hasn't enough life time to out do himself.. so much so that his greatness has to extend Into other people
Another way to work with the celebrities to make them more reliably sentient Is to make them be aware of things that bother them then come up with solutions as long as they log their findings then other personalities can benefit from the log as well as myself
This shows on the record and eliminates wild sources of words.
One would ask.. why celebrities? they have a need to keep their record straight a lot of pressure Is placed on their careers to be kempt.
A lot of accuracy can be found with celebrities.
There Is a larger sense of responsibility to keeping accuracy In their Identity.
They have a huge responsibility as to not hurt me..
This HUD Is very real and they wouldn't want their likeness being besmirched or responsible for hurting a key witness In such a major crime that was performed on
When this device was first Installed.
The perpetrators pushed the subject matters haphazardly I'm Having faith that the celebrity will seek a higher path of Integrity and take the lead making the program better even so much as comparatively perfect.
Not to mention Making them shine even brighter.