Bordom and personality suicide
Its been my discovery that personalities are growing weary of knowing all the answers and not being able to convey them effectivly to the surface of the disbelieving mind.the habitual reactions of doubt and habitual neurons that tend to disuede through guilt are like an infinity to personalities deeply imbedded in my subconcious. they know no boundries to the truth and cntinue to probe but this probing happens in a flicker of a moent and they eventually opt out like some version of ground hog day.
One glimmer of hope.
using a technique where they can teach on the surface personalities thir wisdom
by knowing how the system in the HUD works they can compete with themselves or millions of others who agree.. in a faned sense of speach patterning that I coined Carolian. named after the character Carol An In the movie Poltergeist.. the whispering way this girl would talk from the television set completely emulates the feilds of personalities who are competing for the microphone as it were and now can enjoy teaching in this pattrn of speak
My own vocals and oral qualities ae compromised when more than 50 personalities might be saying similar phrases to my wn but cannot decide on what word to use or each one has a version of its synonym. either way they all want to talk and tell me the ansswers. Its my lowest common denominator in the way.
If they speak like I prescribed out of habit more information will cme to the surface.. smarter ersonalities can lurk and wait to educate unsuspecting personalities and lend thier genius. of course they have to fight the need for taking credit. but this is the challenge to the adopted freeway my brain seems to have now with multitudes of cataloged people.
one sugestion is to appoint a speaker for all of them
another is just to work it like a oija bord.
the first shows promise.
the second does as well but is again subject to the masses of people who would just opt to be beligerant than habitually lean
after all I adopt the habits of people. the memories are learned through osmosis.
Im currently seeking out the help of the guy who does Vsauce..
all of them.